Ok, I just managed to get it working on Mavericks (10.9.2) at 1920x1080. I make no promises that this will fix everyone’s issues, I make no promises that it’s the best way to do things, and I definitely won’t promise to help troubleshoot. I merely offer this as a set of steps that worked for me.
1) INSTALLING: Download the Mac version available here on GOG (it’s, as of today). Mount the disk image and move the app onto your hard disk.
2) INITIAL RUN: Launch the game while holding down the Option key. A Wineskin window should appear.
3) SCREEN OPTIONS: Click "Set Screen Options" on the Wineskin window. In the Screen Options window that appears, do the following:
-- Toggle it from “Automatic” to “Override”
-- Toggle it from “Normal windows” to “Virtual Desktop” and set it to 640x480
-- Click “Done”
4) ADVANCED OPTIONS: Click “Advanced” on the Wineskin window, then do the following:
-- Click "Tools" at the top
-- Click "Winetricks" (underneath "Utilities" in the middle column)
-- Expand the "settings" section
-- Check "ddr=gdi", click the "Run" button, then click “Run” in the dialog window that pops up
-- Wait for it to finish (it will say “Winetricks Commands Finished!!”), then click "Close"
-- Close the “Wineskin Advanced” window
5) IN-GAME OPTIONS: Launch the game normally. My screen blacks out for a few seconds as it changes resolution, but then comes back sometime after the intro Cavedog logo video starts. Once in the game, do the following:
-- Click “Single”
-- Click “Options”
-- Click “Visuals”
-- Set “Screen Size” to your desired resolution (other than 640x480)
-- Click “OK”, then click it again
After that, I’m able to play the game. There may be other issues I haven’t encountered yet, but I was just able to play a complete skirmish match against the AI, so it at least works that well. YMMV.
2014-08-05 EDIT: Added a note, as per waderain's comment below
Post edited August 06, 2014 by Aichonic.826