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- verified owners rating: 4.8/5
- overall rating: 3.6/5

If there is indeed some review score manipulation here, it is obvious which "side" is behind it ;)


About to the game itself, it is a kind of gameplay (controller-based mob control) I usually do not like at all. But the nice theme, cheap but pretty graphics, and very good soundtrack may very well be enough to give it an extended try anyway.

Knowing the usual state of the video games industry, we need much more workers-owned game studios. And in the era of so-called "apolitic" games (what a joke, we all know "apolitic" actually means "pro-liberal"), games like this one are very refreshing.

And if people get offended by the ability to bash open the skull of capitalism soldiers… well, too bad for them I suppose, it will not in any rate diminish my enjoyment of the game ;)
vv221: And if people get offended by the ability to bash open the skull of capitalism soldiers… well, too bad for them I suppose, it will not in any rate diminish my enjoyment of the game ;)
So everyone who is not a socialist is necessarily a 'capitalist soldier' and needs to be killed. Thanks for being so honest.

Such an intolerant, discriminatory or simply racist mindset I would expect of Isis or the Taliban, but apparently it also runs rampant among the left.
calm down, it is just a game. I would say killing unarmed pedestrian in GTA is worse than this but still, GTA is a game. We are taking a game too seriously here.
Saw my other post got deleted. Thought it was pretty neutral and constructive.

Seems like a pretty big double standard when some games can be criticized for their content and others can't. Makes the content of this game seem even more tone deaf in retrospect.

I wish PIXEL PUSHERS UNION 512 the best of luck in the future. Hopefully they handle their next launch with a little more tact.
Post edited May 31, 2020 by siegeshot
vv221: And if people get offended by the ability to bash open the skull of capitalism soldiers… well, too bad for them I suppose, it will not in any rate diminish my enjoyment of the game ;)
GR11: So everyone who is not a socialist is necessarily a 'capitalist soldier' and needs to be killed. Thanks for being so honest.

Such an intolerant, discriminatory or simply racist mindset I would expect of Isis or the Taliban, but apparently it also runs rampant among the left.
Antifa is worse than Taliban and ISIS and Al-Qaeda combined.
I just clicked this game's forum because I was curious to find paranoid politcal discussions, I KNEW IT, there it is. lmao
GR11: So everyone who is not a socialist is necessarily a 'capitalist soldier' and needs to be killed. Thanks for being so honest.

Such an intolerant, discriminatory or simply racist mindset I would expect of Isis or the Taliban, but apparently it also runs rampant among the left.
VBProject: Antifa is worse than Taliban and ISIS and Al-Qaeda combined.
Oh yeah sure Donald
Post edited December 23, 2020 by apfelnymous
There's nothing salvageable about communism. Anything of worth has been passed into wider society. It's just a shame that the proponents of it today seem to think that it can work. It's the definition of madness, from the Nazis, to Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot and beyond, every massive loss of human life in the last century can be attributed to communism or socialism. It boggles my mind that you drooling mouth breathers thinking it's possible to achieve. Every attempt has been an unmitigated failure of human suffering and misery.
CDPR is just trying to pander to SJWs because SJWs have had a hate hard on for anything CDPR related.

SJWs don't buy games though, they only complain about what is in them.

The only thing you can do is rebuke and ignore them.
Post edited April 30, 2021 by NukeTheMoon
Chaos_Marine: There's nothing salvageable about capitalism. Anything of worth has been passed into wider society. It's just a shame that the proponents of it today seem to think that it can work. It's the definition of madness, from the Nazis, to the British Empire, Chattel slavery, to the USA murdering hundreds of millions of people, every massive loss of human life in the last century can be attributed to capitalism. It boggles my mind that you drooling mouth breathers thinking it's possible to achieve. Every attempt has been an unmitigated failure of human suffering and misery.
FTFY Mr. Fascism enabler.
So the haters of this game are the same people who call liberals snowflakes? Oh the irony :)
Post edited April 30, 2021 by IcaroSan
Chaos_Marine: There's nothing salvageable about capitalism. Anything of worth has been passed into wider society. It's just a shame that the proponents of it today seem to think that it can work. It's the definition of madness, from the Nazis, to the British Empire, Chattel slavery, to the USA murdering hundreds of millions of people, every massive loss of human life in the last century can be attributed to capitalism. It boggles my mind that you drooling mouth breathers thinking it's possible to achieve. Every attempt has been an unmitigated failure of human suffering and misery.
aoxxt: FTFY Mr. Fascism enabler.
Ah well, I'm guessing you're a socialist or a communist, you'd be far more familiar with socialism and communism as they're part of the same authoritarian coin. You tyrannical chuds are living proof that the horse shoe theory is real.
Post edited May 01, 2021 by Chaos_Marine
IcaroSan: So the haters of this game are the same people who call liberals snowflakes? Oh the irony :)
I dont think people need to be particuarly sensitive to hate ideologies like Communism or Nazism given the millions of innocent people they've killed.
IcaroSan: So the haters of this game are the same people who call liberals snowflakes? Oh the irony :)
BubblegumNipples: I dont think people need to be particuarly sensitive to hate ideologies like Communism or Nazism given the millions of innocent people they've killed.
The problem is that a certain group of people see anything even vaguely related to communist or socialist ideologies and immediately brushes it off as "Ew, communism" as a lame cop-out and then dont touch the subject ever again, but as Ive said in another thread, I would probably also eventually become intellectually lazy and abuse a cop-out like that due to how easy it is to just shoot down anything you dont agree with.

Also, while it is sad that I have to do so, I feel inclined to mention that putting the stamp of communism on everything is far from fair, socialism is rather different for example, especially the sort of (unfortunally dwindling) sort that is practiced in for example the Nordic countries.

And unironically using communism and nazism in the same sentence like they are ideologies that hold eachothers hands? I mean, I can somewhat see what you are coming from, Im no fan of communism in the way that it has been applied practically by people like Stalin either, but this? I dont know if I should call it ignorant, extremely generalizing, or plain dishonest.

Funny how some fringe groups of people on opposing sides end up so close to eachother in what they say and do, the only difference really being that when 'they' (they as in one of the sides) do it, it is the right thing, but when the others do the exact same thing, all of a sudden it is vile and stupid. It's like watching a friggin football game where fans boo or cheer for the exact same situation happening only depending on if it was their player that did a sliding tackle or the opponents. Incredibly silly, mildly frustrating and weirdly unsurprising, all at the same time...
Most of people don't realized that both Capitalist and Communists are fundamentally same like Republican Party vs Democratic Party, Left-wing vs Right-wing or even Goverments vs Opposition. If they are same then why they both hate each other? It's because both have different view ideologies but in the end both have same principle, practice, goals and utopia + Both Capitalist countries and Communist countries ended up become mixed economy like Social Market Economy, Social Democracy, State Capitalism etc...
SwedishDragon: And unironically using communism and nazism in the same sentence like they are ideologies that hold eachothers hands?
Because they do in fact hold each others hands. They are two halves of the same oppressive, mass murdering coin. Communism is every bit as irredeemable as Fascism. They just have different excuses.