Posted October 31, 2018

If that turns out to be true, I'll invoke the 30 day guarantee right away... incidentally, while I got the already mentioned reply from GOG support, the Gwent Support in turn told me that they couldn't tell me anything either way.
Really would have expected better from CDPR and the Witcher people.

It is in polish "Niestety, na ten moment nie mamy w planach dodania rozdzielczości 21:9" = "Unfortunately, at the moment we have no plans to add the resolution of 21: 9"
But really... this is a major letdown either way, as it just doesn't make any sense -- Unity supports Ultrawide WQHD natively without any hassle, and this is 2018... it's not an unsual niche resolution, hasn't been for at least two years now.
Like I said, I really would have expected better from CDPR and the Witcher devs... very sad to be disappointed like that.