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My favorite Thief game is Thief 2 The Metal Age. I love it because the story picks up faster than in the first game. I also love how the levels are much bigger and they also have secrets. I think Karras is a great villain perhaps not as powerful and scary as The Trickster God but I prefer Karras. I think it also has a better story. I like how Karras has one big plan that will wipeout the city and everyone around him are pretty much clueless. Some may argue that that was the Tricksters plan but Karras brainwashed and manipulated people to get what he wanted. This game expanded on the first game and made it better. What is your favorite Thief game? Why is it your favorite?
Why did you restarted this discussion as you made another discussion saying the same thing?
Thief 2 was the most fun for me because it had the most memorable missions and truly felt like a stealth game. It was the most confident game design-wise, and LG knew exactly what they were doing while they were making it, despite having to rush the game for release. If you ever fantasized about robbing a bank without being detected, this game is for you.
GabesterOne: Why did you restarted this discussion as you made another discussion saying the same thing?
I don't know
Depends on what you want to know.

The best game so far for me was The Metal Age. It gave me the most feeling of being there as someone who just wanted to take everything not nailed down, while also giving a huge variety of levels to explore and missions to accomplish. Not least of which were the ones involving running around the City and trailing the Watch.

However, the single best level was Robbing the Cradle in Deadly Shadows, which scared the bejeebus out of me. The hell with undead games that arm you with shot guns and dynamite and let you blow them all to hell. Garrett was helpless! Sure, it was possible to put them to sleep, but not out permanently. And the atmosphere was truly chilling.
anomaly: Garrett was helpless! Sure, it was possible to put them to sleep, but not out permanently.
According to The Dark Wiki, they can be killed permanently.

Personally I could have done with fewer attempts at smearing atmosphere on thickly and less determination to replicate RttC's fetch quests; the Cradle made me feel miserable rather than scared. The scariest Thief enemy, to my mind, is the Hammer Haunt, but the most effective horror enemy is the masked Servant, for the same reason as SS2's hybrids and nurses (that is, before SS2's respawning reduces encounters with them to grinding wrench fodder).
anomaly: Garrett was helpless! Sure, it was possible to put them to sleep, but not out permanently.
VanishedOne: According to The Dark Wiki, they can be killed permanently.

Personally I could have done with fewer attempts at smearing atmosphere on thickly and less determination to replicate RttC's fetch quests; the Cradle made me feel miserable rather than scared. The scariest Thief enemy, to my mind, is the Hammer Haunt, but the most effective horror enemy is the masked Servant, for the same reason as SS2's hybrids and nurses (that is, before SS2's respawning reduces encounters with them to grinding wrench fodder).
I never bothered fighting the staff, I just snuck past most of them and then at the top of the elevator I distracted them with an arrow fired into a corner and then ran for the window.

The puppets are a different matter. I didn't know you could permanently kill them, but I have knocked them out many times with flash bombs and the like, only to have them get right back up again after moving too close. Will have to try a couple of those tricks on my next trip through.
No love for thief 4 any one? :)
from what I've seen around the 'net, no, not much really. lets just say that "making the game more accessible to today's gamer" plan was a huge success.
T1 because it didn't pander to newbies.