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I want to play Thief running on the original engine, with no enhancements. Basically the original experience but obviously with widescreen support, etc...

It pains me that I eventually got this all working years ago with help on this forum, but copying that folder and trying to run the game today in Windows 10 just ends up with the game crashing on startup.

I've tried patching TSFix Lite over it, and then using the backup exe's, which at least allows the game to startup, however, the intro doesn't work (clicking intro on the main menu does nothing), which probably means the cutscenes won't work in general while playing the game. If use THIEF.exe from the TSFix Lite patch, it all works, but is that running the original engine or the new one?

I've also downloaded the latest version of the installer, fresh installed the game, and when running the backup exe's it has the same problem.

Can anyone help?
Post edited April 18, 2023 by daniel_carvalho
Hello there.
daniel_carvalho: […]with no enhancements […] but obviously with widescreen support, etc...
So you do want some enhancements then. Can you elaborate on falls under "etc..." ?
Constance: Hello there.
Constance: So you do want some enhancements then. Can you elaborate on falls under "etc..." ?
Nope, no enhancements. I think most people wouldn't consider widescreen an enhancement but rather compatibility changes in order for the game to work on modern machines. We don't use squared aspect ratio monitors anymore. Whether it's truly widescreen or letterboxed depending on what's possible, as long as the image is not stretched and distorted.

I would like the game to be running on the legacy Dark Engine (original game engine), which I had working at some point prior, with cutscenes, sound and everything. The only reason I would ask this, is I know it was possible before, so I assume it's possible now. Only thing that has changed since now and then is I'm now on Windows 10.

And I absolutely wouldn't want any content changes. No hi-res textures, updated models, sounds, modifications to item positions, etc... Depending on the extent of TSFix Lite changes, I know and accept there may be some changes I just have to accept.

I think the default GOG version of the game relatively reflects this position, by default having only TSFix Lite applied, however it runs on New Dark. I just wish the Old Dark version worked out-of-the-box (the backup folder exe's).

With all that being said, I have to add that I'm grateful to the Thief community, which is super impressive and certain members have be maintaining the games for years, helping people like myself, when they don't have to.
Post edited April 19, 2023 by daniel_carvalho
I'll make it short - if the GOG build (TFix lite) is too much for you, then you need to build a retro pc with win98 and a 3dfx card.

can't have your cake and eat it too.
Post edited April 19, 2023 by voodoo47
As I mentioned, I'm fine with TFix Lite and accept that's the way it's gotta be. I just want to run the legacy Dark Engine like I used to with all things working like before.

So just to be clear, must I take this to mean that it's impossible to do this anymore? Basically using the backup exe's means you can't and won't have working movies / cutscenes?
Post edited April 19, 2023 by daniel_carvalho
daniel_carvalho: We don't use squared aspect ratio monitors anymore. Whether it's truly widescreen or letterboxed depending on what's possible, as long as the image is not stretched and distorted.
Any half decent graphics card driver from the last 15 years or so should have the option to either upscale the contents while keeping its aspect ratio, or have the monitor display it centered at its original size.
Some monitors also have such options in their own menus.

I tend to agree with voodoo47 that the best option to play the game with the original engine would most likely be to run it in Windows 9x on hardware from that era — or perhaps on PCem (see ).

However if that's not an option, you still may try using some of the tricks and unofficial patches that came before NewDark, such as restricting the game's process to running on a single CPU core, and using things such as DarkWideScreen or DDfix. See the old 2012 FAQ on TTLG :
Still, since those programs also were made for OSes that have now been superseded by newer versions, we can't even be sure if they'll still work.
Post edited April 19, 2023 by Constance
or, to make it even shorter, patch up with TFix full, enable Legacy Executables, and see whether you can run the game using the old exes. if you can, further shenanigans can be attempted.
Hi I am playing the first version - The Dark Project - not GOLD. No enhancements. That's how it should be played. I only used the patch to make it run on Win10. It works fine. I wish I had a curved color CRT screen as well. If you want I can rar and upload the exe. You can run it through AV scanners or you can have a look here : SLASH app SLASH 211600 SLASH discussions SLASH 0 SLASH 882962139318803782

I cannot recollect what patch I used.