ShadowWulfe: Gotta be a way to get into contact with those people. What's the biggest obstacle to getting together online and fixing up some missions?
It sounds like the level designs were mostly done right? IMDB lists Stephen Russell's last game voice as characters from Skyrim.
Stephen Russell is currently doing voice work for Underworld Ascendant- a game by some former Looking Glass devs. If the community raise money, we might be able to get him to do some voice acting...
The reason projects like that will fail is that it's hard to live upto LGS's standards. There's a lot of pressure when you're directly adding onto their work. Only a couple of the missions had their level design partially done and even they were only basic WIP layouts and guard placements, with a lot left to do. We only have notes for the others. It would take a few years of hard work from a dedicated team, with writers, artists etc to flesh out the levels (and the extra lore they would add, especially around the undead and necromancy). Even then it would be hard to say if what they came up with was what LGS had intended.