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I've probably read over a dozen websites that state, "To create a signpost, click the signpost tool."

Maybe I'm missing something beyond obvious, but I can't find a signpost tool ANYWHERE. Can someone describe where it is, being super exact?


I figured it out by watching a Youtube video. You right-click the path button (the "single man" icon, on the far bottom left of the screen).

No FAQ/websites I found actually described that, so hopefully this helps someone else in the future!
Post edited April 18, 2014 by ReedTompkins
How to create signposts (and one-way paths) is mentioned in the game's manual, which you can find online at
Left click the paths icon to lay plain ordinary concrete. The cursor becomes a trowel.
Right click the paths menu and choose between the concrete and one way paths or sign posts. The latter two cost extra, but you don't need these until later in the game, when vast numbers of punters need clear directions, so save your money at first.
The manual is rather useful for this game, and since GOG doesn't include it (for whatever reason) you might want to bookmark that page :)
Dalimyr: The manual is rather useful for this game, and since GOG doesn't include it (for whatever reason) you might want to bookmark that page :)
It's a true disappointment that this game doesn't have any bonus content ! :(