odomi2: I can´t really understand why are people complaining about this, as galaxy is what powers the multiplayer part of the game...
Mostly on a multiplayer based game as TWAG
Well to clarify. I do not play multiplayer at all. Galaxy is supposed to be optional. Being installed as part of the game installer means a) the software is not just the game - hence could cause more issues, b) is not optional. Therefore if you start adding other software which I do not require into a product it becomes (at minimum anyway) what is know as bloatware, adding unnecessary things into a product. Yes, I can understand that some people do want the multiplayer option and I have nothing against that, however why not provide that as an *optional* separately downloadable component external from the game binary. This way you can download the latest version of the client independently of games etc. keeping it modular. Just like the GOG downloader is optional.
For instance, if the manuals are in PDF, should the game installer be installing Adobe behind the scenes, no, that is an optional component you can install whichever version separate from the product.
For the other point, yes I could manually uninstall it after it has all installed, but why should we have to do this. I pay to play a game, not to spend checking what else it has installed, clearing out references in registry, emptying temporary folders etc. needlessly.
There is also the other argument that once this is embedded into the software, it is then only a matter of time before its no longer noticed, and then there will be silent activations, and always on conncections etc. These simple facts are enough to ensure that I never, under any circumstances use steam or any other client software. So to see it appearing here with (what was promised as optional) default installation, albeit that it currently (and that may change) can be uninstalled after installation, is a very worrying trend. For this reason I am not purchasing AvP, and I have revoked my order for Witcher Adventure Game until such time as the components are separated. Its a real shame as was looking forward to WAG, however accepting things on that basis has already lead to the DRM mess which most are in nowadays.