Posted May 19, 2015
Hi, I just recently finished installing or "setting" up the game. I used the "browser" way to download the game, "package-by-package".
I downloaded the setup first, then the seven or so .bin setup files, then the patch. After running the non-.bin setup file it seemed to work just fine, no errors, nothing. I then ran the patch, that of which worked just fine as well, no apparent issues.
Then, I tried playing by clicking the shortcut placed on my desktop... and nothing. All it does is open something in the background called Witcher 3 and close it five seconds later (as seen from the Task Manager when checking).
I'm 'assuming' this is to do with some weird thing with something like that patcher not made properly to accommodate for people who don't install the game into a specific place (that of which they don't seem to tell you about). This is what I read about someones registry post on it (which really didn't help me resolve the issue to be honest - but it was vague in explaining what to do anyways).
I'm running on an i5, and a GTX 970 with Win8.1. I have downloaded the latest drivers, have tried compatibility modes, and tried running as admin. I tried applying this "patch" three times (once from the gog site, two from that random play.witcher etc etc site). Nothing has worked.
My C drive is an SSD, and it's not very large, so there's no way I'm going to install it on that thing... So it's installed on my 1TB D drive. The directory it shows is "D:\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64"
Please, if anyone can help me to just play the game, that'd be great.
I downloaded the setup first, then the seven or so .bin setup files, then the patch. After running the non-.bin setup file it seemed to work just fine, no errors, nothing. I then ran the patch, that of which worked just fine as well, no apparent issues.
Then, I tried playing by clicking the shortcut placed on my desktop... and nothing. All it does is open something in the background called Witcher 3 and close it five seconds later (as seen from the Task Manager when checking).
I'm 'assuming' this is to do with some weird thing with something like that patcher not made properly to accommodate for people who don't install the game into a specific place (that of which they don't seem to tell you about). This is what I read about someones registry post on it (which really didn't help me resolve the issue to be honest - but it was vague in explaining what to do anyways).
I'm running on an i5, and a GTX 970 with Win8.1. I have downloaded the latest drivers, have tried compatibility modes, and tried running as admin. I tried applying this "patch" three times (once from the gog site, two from that random play.witcher etc etc site). Nothing has worked.
My C drive is an SSD, and it's not very large, so there's no way I'm going to install it on that thing... So it's installed on my 1TB D drive. The directory it shows is "D:\The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt\bin\x64"
Please, if anyone can help me to just play the game, that'd be great.