TheEnforcerOS: Yep, not that I expected differently for me, but 1.03 didn't fix it.
Did isolate the problem though!! The NVidia Driver!!
I rolled it back, which was the 9/2014 release and the game at least launched. It loaded and was playable. For how long I don't know because it played like a chuggy, hideous mess, but clearly something in the driver is impairing load.
I don't know what that means now since something is needed either from CD Projekt Red or NVidia to fix this, but at least it narrowed it down.
I updated the driver back to the new one and sure enough back to the black screen problem. :(
hey i had the same Problem and "solved" it today accidently.
I have a Notebook with 2 graphic Cards. The main Intel graphic Card which is directly "clipped" to the gpu and a nvidia graphic Card ( gtx880m) which is switched by the Intel Card when needed ( when a game with Special requirements is running). I have checked several Scenarios today and got to the Point , that the Intel Card doesnt Switch to nvidia at all. This Problem occurs only with witcher 3. Other games are runnning with nvidias gtx.
It also doesnt matter if i Change the options in the nvidia Panel to nvidia Card or the Intel Card. It also doesnt matter if i set the nvidia Card as the standart one and Change therefore also the 3d preferences. Witcher 3 will nevertheless be started by low Intel Card.
Think projekt red are the only one who might solve this Problem or nvidia...
For myself i´ll give up ( spend around 20h , even updated bios..)and wait for an patch.
As far as i know projekt red said that Notebooks wouldnt be supported officially....