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Hickory: Stop skirting the bloody issue. You said that the email is misleading. It is not. Only a simpleton, new customer or not, would miss the fact that the email is about an expansion pack, not about the DLCs themselves. Try reading before you start complaining.
Profanity shows only shows the weakness of you're position.

I did not skirt the issue I stated it, the mail makes no mention of DLC coming soon and only states 30 hours available now. That is the part that would confuse somebody new to the game.
Hickory: Stop skirting the bloody issue. You said that the email is misleading. It is not. Only a simpleton, new customer or not, would miss the fact that the email is about an expansion pack, not about the DLCs themselves. Try reading before you start complaining.
kwijybo: Profanity shows only shows the weakness of you're position.

I did not skirt the issue I stated it, the mail makes no mention of DLC coming soon and only states 30 hours available now. That is the part that would confuse somebody new to the game.
Bullshit. Profanity, in this case, serves only to express my exasperation of idiots.

You did skirt the issue. You are still skirting the issue. The issue is, and always has been, whether the email is misleading. It is not. It is an email about an expansion pass. It is not an email about the release (or not) of individual DLCs. I said it before and I'll say it again: only a simpleton would not make that distinction. I guess that explains some things...
Hickory: Bullshit. Profanity, in this case, serves only to express my exasperation of idiots.

You did skirt the issue. You are still skirting the issue. The issue is, and always has been, whether the email is misleading. It is not. It is an email about an expansion pass. It is not an email about the release (or not) of individual DLCs. I said it before and I'll say it again: only a simpleton would not make that distinction. I guess that explains some things...
And again a weak position. But you know two can play the insulting game.

Yes only a simpleton would assume with no other information present that "3 hours available now" means "30 hours not available right now, but eventually".
You're personal intelligence is quite evident now as all you can do is froth at the mouth and swear, rather than act like an actual person. you are being ignorant and I refuse to continue in this manner. So if you can't correct your attitude, well I bid you good day.
Hickory: Bullshit. Profanity, in this case, serves only to express my exasperation of idiots.

You did skirt the issue. You are still skirting the issue. The issue is, and always has been, whether the email is misleading. It is not. It is an email about an expansion pass. It is not an email about the release (or not) of individual DLCs. I said it before and I'll say it again: only a simpleton would not make that distinction. I guess that explains some things...
kwijybo: And again a weak position. But you know two can play the insulting game.

Yes only a simpleton would assume with no other information present that "3 hours available now" means "30 hours not available right now, but eventually".
You're personal intelligence is quite evident now as all you can do is froth at the mouth and swear, rather than act like an actual person. you are being ignorant and I refuse to continue in this manner. So if you can't correct your attitude, well I bid you good day.
You know, for somebody accusing another person of throwing insults, you certainly are throwing your fair share. Hypocrite.

The only weak position is yours, and that is born out by your trying to twist the focus on to other matters, and your cowardly bailing out.

Request to "correct your attitude" denied.
Hickory: You know, for somebody accusing another person of throwing insults, you certainly are throwing your fair share. Hypocrite.

The only weak position is yours, and that is born out by your trying to twist the focus on to other matters, and your cowardly bailing out.

Request to "correct your attitude" denied.
You know what you just pressed all my medically diagnosed OCD buttons. I'm no longer letting this go.

Hypocrite?. Do you know even what that means? I literally said I was going to insult you. That's pretty much the opposite.

And the only one twisting things is you, the op was actually about how this person received this email and ws confused that it wasn't all avasilable yet. My first post was about how I could understand why somebosy could believe everything was released.

What part of any of this do you not understand?
Hickory: You know, for somebody accusing another person of throwing insults, you certainly are throwing your fair share. Hypocrite.

The only weak position is yours, and that is born out by your trying to twist the focus on to other matters, and your cowardly bailing out.

Request to "correct your attitude" denied.
kwijybo: You know what you just pressed all my medically diagnosed OCD buttons. I'm no longer letting this go.

Hypocrite?. Do you know even what that means? I literally said I was going to insult you. That's pretty much the opposite.

And the only one twisting things is you, the op was actually about how this person received this email and ws confused that it wasn't all avasilable yet. My first post was about how I could understand why somebosy could believe everything was released.

What part of any of this do you not understand?
Oh, this is rich. Yes, you're a hypocrite. Deny it all you like, but it doesn't alter the fact.

Lets put things in a way that you can actually understand (one can only hope):
kwijybo: "the mail itself is suggestive of all relevant content being available"

Prove it.
Guys, CD Projekt is one of the most truthful studios in the world. When they say something about their game, they are even sometimes beside reality (about game duration, for exemple, which they always under-estimate).
Accusing them of lying is a nonsense.

Besides, the "new customer" who would be misled by a such e-mail, without even trying to know what is included in an expansion pack, would be a complete idiot. Not to mention the fact that "expansion pass" is a very used concept these days.

Hickory, you gave this forum so much, don't loose your time with that.
Hickory: Oh, this is rich. Yes, you're a hypocrite. Deny it all you like, but it doesn't alter the fact.

Lets put things in a way that you can actually understand (one can only hope):
kwijybo: "the mail itself is suggestive of all relevant content being available"

Prove it.
I called out you're profanity specifically, using that actual word, not your insulting. Do you know what profanity means? It means obscene language, it does not mean to insult somebody.

I already 'proved it' the op's initial confusion 'proves it'. But I don't hold out hope for your ability to comprehend.

All this could have avoided if there was only an additional section of the email stating something akin to:

Expansion pass includes

Hearts of stone
Released October 13th 2015

Blood and wine
Expected mid 2016.
Post edited March 30, 2016 by kwijybo
kwijybo: ... not you're insulting.

I already 'proved it'
You proved nothing. You gave your own twisted logic, that the words in those images mean that there is missing content. Come on, you can do better than that... or can you? I ask you again to prove any suggestion of missing content. Please be specific; wild speculation is not proof.
kwijybo: ... not you're insulting.
Hickory: 'your'

I already 'proved it'
Hickory: You proved nothing. You gave your own twisted logic, that the words in those images mean that there is missing content. Come on, you can do better than that... or can you? I ask you again to prove any suggestion of missing content. Please be specific; wild speculation is not proof.
First of all thanks for catching that mistake it's been corrected.

Secondly, stop putting words in my mouth. As I've already stated once, to you, I have never claimed any content was missing.

I mentioned that the email on it's own to someone new to the game could be misleading, suggestive of all 30 extra hours of game being available or confusing.
Due to there only being the statement 'available now' and '30 hours of new adventures'. With no mention of anything coming soon.

Once again I never claimed anything was missing.

Simply put, just because you may understand it that way. The existence of this thread. That was started by someone who was confused by this email, that not everything is available now. proves that some people can be confused by the email.
In you're own words the thread starter, before you commanded them to leave, which part of that do you not get?

You're the only on using anything twisted and it certainly isn't logic
Post edited March 30, 2016 by kwijybo
kwijybo: Secondly, stop putting words in my mouth. As I've already stated once, to you, I have never claimed any content was missing.
And I never said that you claimed such a thing. What I said was that you claimed that those images suggested that content was missing, and that is exactly what you did, and are still doing.

"the mail itself is suggestive of all relevant content being available now too (see the attached images).

There is no mention of any content being yet to release."

Those images suggest no such thing. You still seem to be unable to grasp that the email is about an expansion pack. Really, the mind boggles.
Hickory: And I never said that you claimed such a thing. What I said was that you claimed that those images suggested that content was missing, and that is exactly what you did, and are still doing.

"the mail itself is suggestive of all relevant content being available now too (see the attached images).

There is no mention of any content being yet to release."

Those images suggest no such thing. You still seem to be unable to grasp that the email is about an expansion pack. Really, the mind boggles.
[i]You gave your own twisted logic, that the words in those images mean that there is missing content. Come on, you can do better than that... or can you? I ask you again to prove any suggestion of missing content. Please be specific; wild speculation is not proof.

Your words. Making the assertion that I claimed there was missing content. Which I never did.

No what I stated was:i] to someone new to the game could be misleading, suggestive of all 30 extra hours of game being available or confusing.

Once again, I never even put forward that anything was missing. your own quote of me:
the mail itself is suggestive of all relevant content being available now too

Suggestive of all relevant content being available. Not this content is missing. Perhaps it's my fault, perhaps I should have used could be instead of is. Of course the first half of that sentence also stated that I knew the mail was about the pass, not the content.

But once again this thread and the original post, show that a percentage, even a small one, can interpret it differently.

Te original poster started the thread on that actual subject, asking why there was a mail they thought announced all content being released. Because of that this is not a hypothesis, it's a theory.
kwijybo: ...this is not a hypothesis, it's a theory.
Wow, you really are a little obsessed with this, aren't you? Look, here's how it is, not how it seems (to you or anybody else):

An expansion pass is a guarantee; a ticket; a receipt for content yet to come (at creation).
An expansion pass contains no content -- there is nothing to *be* missing.
There are no words in those images that suggested any *content* was available now, only the pass.

That's it, plain and simple. Nobody with an ounce of sense could see it any other way. The only way that anybody could conceivably be fooled is if they had no notion of what an expansion pass actually is, and THAT is not GOG's fault.
kwijybo: ...this is not a hypothesis, it's a theory.
Hickory: Wow, you really are a little obsessed with this, aren't you? Look, here's how it is, not how it seems (to you or anybody else):
Yes, that's why it's called obsessive compulsive disorder, I wasn't joking about that I've been disagnosed with severe ocd. So thanks.
An expansion pass is a guarantee; a ticket; a receipt for content yet to come (at creation).
Yes I know waht an expansion pass (season pass) as I've told you many times. I pre-ordered mine last year in April.
An expansion pass contains no content -- there is nothing to *be* missing.
Again with the assertion that I claimed missing content. I did not.
There are no words in those images that suggested any *content* was available now, only the pass.
Except for "30 hours of extra adventures. Available now!"
That's it, plain and simple. Nobody with an ounce of sense could see it any other way. The only way that anybody could conceivably be fooled is if they had no notion of what an expansion pass actually is, and THAT is not GOG's fault.
Except that two posters in this thread, op and post number 5. who were more than likely confused by the 30 hors available now part. So they beleived thought everything might be out.
And I never blamed GOG, stop adding extra things I never said, it's just a poorly worded newsletter.
Just a question...

Is this the 5 minute argument; or the course of 10?

[...apologies to Monty Python...]