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So i'm out of luck and can't play the game :( man this blows. i should've just bought the damn game for a ps4 so disapointed
Well as mentioned - try the fix in the link above...
Azulath: Well as mentioned - try the fix in the link above...
Sry did'nt notice the link. Will try
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Hrtlsmoe
Azulath: There is a registry workaround for a display driver not responding bug.
You should keep in mind that this is a workaround and does not actually solve the problem you are having...
Ok edited the registry value to 8 and it crashed. Search google and came up with a video that said i can do either 8 or 10. I did 10 and so far so good. Going to see how much game play i can get in before another issue arises.

Crashed again... i keep restarting. just to play the game through.. i know i should just continue but if this issue happens during one scene it would happen again.
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Hrtlsmoe
You could try looking at your witcher 3 dmp files located where your witcher3.exe is.
Anything suspicious in your event viewer?
If you don't do anything (when the screen goes black), do you get a BSOD?
Ok in my event log i get errors in dwm.exe. I get a few of them that leads up a warning for display driver failed. that's usually when i have to reboot. When i do let let the game play a little bit after The screen goes blank I can't alt tab or anything. The sound plays but it plays in a loop. In my witcher folder there's a bunch of crash info files. I don't have the right application to read it so i don't know what they are.
witcher3.png (189 Kb)
Post edited December 02, 2015 by Hrtlsmoe
Check the faulting application path.
Does it say both dwm.exe & dwmcore.dll are in C:\Windows\system32

If it has Msupdate71 in the path then it is a virus.
olnorton: Check the faulting application path.
Does it say both dwm.exe & dwmcore.dll are in C:\Windows\system32

If it has Msupdate71 in the path then it is a virus.
did a full anti virus scan ... nada :( it is from the C:\Windows\system32 but how do i look for Msupdate71
Edit. Doing a couple of different scans to see if i can eliminate anything. Came across a post on reddit that says to run these programs
Run RKill.
Run TDSS Killer
Run Rogue Killer.
Run adwcleaner.
Run Malwarebytes.
So i'm giving it a shot
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Hrtlsmoe
Scan with something more reliable, Malwarebytes for example.
It's not a anti-virus program, but it'll remove anything that can cause any damage to the PC. Rootkits included.
What's even better, it works and it's free!

EDIT: ninja'd
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Xel.naga
A GTX 970 requires a minimum 500 Watt power supply according to its specs on the website, so between that and the overclocking, and considering the black screen symptoms, there's a good chance that it can't support the load you're putting on it. Disabling the overclocking might help, but I suspect that you'd be better off with a stronger power supply regardless of whether it's the cause in this case.
Garran: A GTX 970 requires a minimum 500 Watt power supply according to its specs on the website, so between that and the overclocking, and considering the black screen symptoms, there's a good chance that it can't support the load you're putting on it. Disabling the overclocking might help, but I suspect that you'd be better off with a stronger power supply regardless of whether it's the cause in this case.
I did'nt really overclocked my graphics card. It came super clocked.
Xel.naga: Scan with something more reliable, Malwarebytes for example.
It's not a anti-virus program, but it'll remove anything that can cause any damage to the PC. Rootkits included.
What's even better, it works and it's free!

EDIT: ninja'd
I did all of that and scanned with kaspersky.
You know what... i give up. Tired of wasting time trying to get a game to run. I guess i'm fed up. thx for the help all

Edit I'll attack this issue another time. I will upgrade psu for my evga hydron air later on. I'll give this a break
Edit.. Looks like i need to upgrade the whole case. Gosh this sux. I should just buy the damn game for ps4
Post edited December 03, 2015 by Hrtlsmoe
You should have upgraded you power supply when you bought the GPU. 500W is not quite enough for a mid-high gaming PC. I recommend at least 700W. I was able to get a good deal on ebay for used 750w semi modular psu for $45 when I built this rig. Not bad considering TW3 is a $60 dollar value I got free with my GTX 970. My only mistake was buying a motherboard that was a little out dated, and now I can't install an SSD as my windows drive and I can only overclock a little bit, but overall I am happy enough with how this game runs at near ultra 55-60fps with VSync on. Good luck.
the psu is a good guess.
you could also try to open cmd or power shell as admin and enter "sfc /scannow". Maybe one of your *.dll files is corrupted...
I'm too guessing it's the power supply, I'm using 1k psu and sometimes I think i need to upgrade mine soon since I overclock everything heavily.

Newer systems use less power though.
Post edited December 03, 2015 by NovumZ
That event viewer screenshot showed dwm.exe caused that crash.
The critical failure 41, was you hitting the reset button after the Desktop Window Manager crashed.

I'd do as Azulath recommended & run sfc /scannow
Then if your dwm files check out, look for device drivers that are not compatible with Win 10 (ie, are your chipset drivers win 10 versions?)
Then look for other software you are running that is conflicting with the Desktop Window Manager.
If it is only Witcher 3 causing this problem, are you using GOG Galaxy?
If so, have you tried running Witcher 3 without it?