I don't know where you guys are getting this from, but CD Project Red is self-publishing the game while partenering with a handfull of chosen partners.
GOG does NOT tell CD Project Red how to build their game.
If you think that, do some research first.
IImayneII: GOG is a subsidiary of CD Project. It's not the same company, and it has nothing to do with the game. Big difference
AiCola: not big difference.
Tiny difference with no relevance.
And saying they have nothing to do with the game is just ridiculous.
it is like saying steam has nothing to do with counter-strike.
Steam has nothing to do with the development of CS. Valve is the publisher, steam is just owned by valve and is sold there. BIG difference. You don't go complaining to steam about cs, you complain to valve. Just like you don't complain to GOG about witcher 3, but to CD Project Red. And yes I know alot of people do complain to publishers of games, but like they even care. If you want to complain, go to the developers and you might at least get something out of it.