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AwesomeMallard: Not a single one, every female npc that has that "read book-look at the mirror-comb hair" pattern is affected by that glitch.
Not so busy after all, if you can waste time checking every single female in the game.
Post edited June 10, 2016 by Hickory
you should reinstall the game and do a integrity check on the installed data (guess gog galaxy offers filechecks) on install. Especially when you encounter missing (transparent) textures and frequent broken triggers.

you dont like the fem npc 3d models and call it a glitch? Its true the variety isnt that big, most of them have perfect bodies but thats not a glitch but a design choice - as a "big witcher fan" you call yourself you shouldnt take care of all the tech engine related details that much.

For me the game was always about the story and interesting characters in first place. remember playing the buggy initial releases of W1/W2 and didnt care about it that much but enjoyed it.

btw: calling the devs swindlers and to s*** at open world games in an insult and not the best manner for an adult.
They made this game for Consoles first. They canned the PC version in favor for Mutliplatform nonsense. Game will be buggy. I won't be buying from them in the future. I feel your pain AwesomeMallard.
AwesomeMallard: <snip>
I'll say that I haven't had any of the problem you're having. That suggests that it's not a problem with the game, but with your setup. Maybe you're playing it on settings too high for your graphics card to keep up with? Maybe you've got a bad driver installed?

There are a lot of ways to build a computer, and that means there are a lot of places where something can break. Maybe try the clean re-install that was suggested to you? Maybe try dropping the settings slightly and seeing if that helps with your graphical glitches? These problems aren't *unique* to you, surely, but if they're not everywhere (and they're not) then they're not entirely the game's fault.
Wolfehunter: They made this game for Consoles first. They canned the PC version in favor for Mutliplatform nonsense. Game will be buggy. I won't be buying from them in the future. I feel your pain AwesomeMallard.
Oh come off it, consoles have absolutely nothing to do with bugginess of games. In fact, as opposed to PC-only releases, all major games released on Xbox and PlayStation go trough relatively strict quality control, including patches - as a result, Witcher 3 is a lot less buggy than the original was on release, and the original was PC-only. Additionally, developing an engine for multiple platforms forces you to adhere to more strict development practices if anything - that most certainly does not lead to more bugs.

As for a strong argument against "multiplatform releases are buggy", I present your with Total War games (especially since SHOGUN), Morrowind (it only got ported to consoles later), just about anything by Obsidian, original version of STALKER, I could just go on.

OneFiercePuppy: I'll say that I haven't had any of the problem you're having. That suggests that it's not a problem with the game, but with your setup. Maybe you're playing it on settings too high for your graphics card to keep up with? Maybe you've got a bad driver installed?
Thing is that CTDs, animation glitches etc. are relatively common with Witcher 3 - in fact I'd go as far as to say that if you claim to have never encountered a bug in Witcher 3 in full playtrough, you're either unbelievably lucky or you're lying. If you look at other open world games like, say, Mad Max, it was universally praised for being pretty and running on just about anything without a hitch.

While you're right that issues often arise because of unique hardware and software specifications of the consumer, it lies on developer to make sure their software runs fine on as many of these combinations as possible - and Witcher games were sort of historically riddled with bugs. You don't need to go far to find them actually, Blood and Wine added a brand new bug which is extremely widespread (even happened to me) where, after a certain quest, your lock-on might cease to function.

It's also bear nothing that a lot of bugs may not at all occur due to player's hardware/software, but rather due to random combination of his past decisions in the game, equipment he's wearing etc. - there's insane amount of such variations throughout the game, to the point it's nearly impossible to test them all.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by Fenixp
Fenixp: Thing is that CTDs, animation glitches etc. are relatively common with Witcher 3 - in fact I'd go as far as to say that if you claim to have never encountered a bug in Witcher 3 in full playtrough, you're either unbelievably lucky or you're lying.
Imagine that, someone on the internet thinking someone else is lying because different >.>
I didn't use AMD graphics, so the optimization was in my favor, especially early on. I have a fairly robust system, so I didn't have to worry about hitting the edges of performance. And I didn't marathon many sessions, so if there were any memory leaks, I didn't see them. If you call that luck, I'll take it.

Stand by my assertion, though, that saying the game has "bugs galore" says a lot more about the OP and their rig and idea of gaming then it does about Witcher 3. This isn't Fallout: New Vegas v1.0 XD THAT might have qualified.
bunsenbrenner: you should reinstall the game and do a integrity check on the installed data (guess gog galaxy offers filechecks) on install. Especially when you encounter missing (transparent) textures and frequent broken triggers.

you dont like the fem npc 3d models and call it a glitch? Its true the variety isnt that big, most of them have perfect bodies but thats not a glitch but a design choice - as a "big witcher fan" you call yourself you shouldnt take care of all the tech engine related details that much.

For me the game was always about the story and interesting characters in first place. remember playing the buggy initial releases of W1/W2 and didnt care about it that much but enjoyed it.

btw: calling the devs swindlers and to s*** at open world games in an insult and not the best manner for an adult.
You know, when I first encountered hat texture bug, I asked for tech support. They said the same thing (verify game/integrity), I did that and it didn't help. Then they (tech support) said "start a new game, see if the bug happens again"... and so I did, after 60 hours of first playthrough, I started a new game with the latest update (1.21). The bug(s) was still persistent but even more hilarious, the new playthrough introduced even more [new] bugs. I asked the support for help or at least confirmation and I got nothing. That's why I used that word.

Witcher 3 should have been the second coming of gaming jesus.
Fenixp: Oh come off it, consoles have absolutely nothing to do with bugginess of games. In fact, as opposed to PC-only releases, all major games released on Xbox and PlayStation go trough relatively strict quality control, including patches - as a result, Witcher 3 is a lot less buggy than the original was on release, and the original was PC-only. Additionally, developing an engine for multiple platforms forces you to adhere to more strict development practices if anything - that most certainly does not lead to more bugs.

As for a strong argument against "multiplatform releases are buggy", I present your with Total War games (especially since SHOGUN), Morrowind (it only got ported to consoles later), just about anything by Obsidian, original version of STALKER, I could just go on.
I'm not blaming Consoles. I'm blaming the gaming industry who are handicapping PC games. I don't give a rats arse about consoles or multiplatform. I have a damn good rig. I like to use it with an optimize game properly. As a game should be played. Problem to day is everybody expect crappy, buggy half baked games. When one is better than the rest its the new ultimate game. Reality is Witcher 3 wasn't finished even with the extra time they had. I got onto the hype train and should have known better.

I've abandoned many game companies because of there shitty products. I'm tired of broken downgraded butchered games. But the bugs don't bother me much as much as multiplatform and multitransaction garbage they spew.

Only credit I give to CDRprojects is there better than the rest of the lot. CDRprojects is leagues ahead of EA and Ubisoft being worst.

So no Fenixp I won't get off it. It frustrates me when I see so much potential go to waste,
Wolfehunter: I'm not blaming Consoles.
You literally said, and I quote:
Wolfehunter: They made this game for Consoles first. They canned the PC version in favor for Mutliplatform nonsense. Game will be buggy.
So uh... Yes, you are blaming consoles :-P I do like how you avoided to respond in any way to the fact that even the first Witcher was extremely buggy in spite of being developed for PC - and how about all the multiplatform releases which are technically entirely fine and contain absolutely minimal amount of bugs, like Far Cry 3, Mad Max, Wolfenstein: The New Order or the newest Doom? Do you want to pretend they don't exist or...?

Wolfehunter: Problem to day is everybody expect crappy, buggy half baked games.
Oh yes, when Assassin's Creed: Unity released in a terrible state, everybody sat on their asses and said nothing, right? When Batman: Arkham Knight got released, refunds didn't force WB to pull the game from sales, correct? ... Uh-huh. Everybody expects buggy, half-baked games.

As for this being an issue "today", I've got The Elder Scrolls Arena and Daggerfall just to start a long list of games throughout the years which had massive problems with being buggy on release, so please, take off your rose-tinted glasses.

Wolfehunter: I have a damn good rig. I like to use it with an optimize game properly.
In other words, you want games to be developed -for you- and fuck everyone else, including people with weaker rigs. At any rate, you'll be happy to know that multiplatform development actually forces a great deal more of optimization than PC-only development - consoles being less powerful than PCs and all, games have got to be optimized properly to make use of full spectrum of hardware they're being developed for. Of course, that's common sense.
Fenixp I use Consoles term loosely. Because gaming industry is focusing on those platforms. Which is fine they can do that. I have no issue there. But they make poor ports to pc. PC verse Console should never be on a similar platform. It doesn't work. Surprisingly Mad Max was the least buggiest game I've played or a console port.

WB pulled Batman arkham knight is the worst ported game ever. People raged over how bad that game ran. Batman wasn't a finished product like most of the games today. I've tried but never owned arena and daggerfall. I knew they where buggy why I never bought them. Playing Starflight 1 and 2 was more my taste.. No bugs. Ultimate 1 - 7 no bugs for me no crashes. Wizardry worked great in the day. Might of magics, Master of orion. I never had game breaking bugs or crashes. I even enjoyed fallout 1 and 2 and they're buggy and rarely crashed. I don't wear glasses I see quite clearly thank you.

I don't want them to make games just for me. I want them to make proper games for everybody. Some bugs are ok its expected, too many are bad. If game is properly optimized it shouldn't matter of a person has a powerful rig or a weak one. PC gamers have the choice to adjust settings to maximize performance for there system. Poorly ported games are restrictive to PCers GTA 5 is well ported.. Works nicely and is optimized good. Took another year but they pulled it off. I have plenty of settings to adjust and even add mods should I like to tweak my visuals performance. Elite dangerous is a great game for PC and yes it has bugs too but it works.

Why do you defend so hard for companies who release awful games Fenixp? Wouldn't you like to buy a game that works within reason and not broken? I just don't understand why you guys expect crap. I don't and won't. I've invest in the few gems and let the rest rot. :)
Wolfehunter: Fenixp I use Consoles term loosely. Because gaming industry is focusing on those platforms. Which is fine they can do that. I have no issue there. But they make poor ports to pc. PC verse Console should never be on a similar platform. It doesn't work. Surprisingly Mad Max was the least buggiest game I've played or a console port.
First of all, poor PC ports are an issue of the past. Games which do get ported (like Sleeping Dogs) often end up being vastly superior to their console counter-parts. Broken ports from consoles to PC are an issue of the past, when such ports were not created often enough.

Secondly, most games are not ported to PC anymore, but rather see simultaneous development. Know what that is? It means that a game is developed for PC and consoles at the same time so that all versions are as good as possible. Witcher 3 or already mentioned Mad Max was developed like this. Again, this has nothing to do with how buggy or broken does the game end up being - that's all up to developers.

Thirdly, PC and Console versions of the same game clearly do work. You just confirmed it by telling me Mad Max and GTA 5 both work fine (and, just to reiterate, Mad Max is not a console port, it's a game which was developed simultaneously)

Lastly, I see no reason why should I purchase an Xbox One and PS4 to play major releases I have interest. My computer is way more powerful than either of the two, and more than capable of running games developed for these systems. But, there's good news! It'll only take you minutes of searching to figure out whether a game is also developed for consoles or not, and then, you are allowed to not buy it and not play it for any arbitrary reasons you see fit!

Wolfehunter: Why do you defend so hard for companies who release awful games Fenixp? Wouldn't you like to buy a game that works within reason and not broken? I just don't understand why you guys expect crap. I don't and won't.
You see, I possess eyes. I use them to read letters. When a game gets released, you can find a lot of letters written about a lot of games after minimal amount of searching. I will then use that information to decide whether I should purchase a game or not, regardless of whether it's multi-platform or not. I have not bought a 'crap' game in years now. I have no clue where did you get the idea that I would go out, on purpose, and buy a crappy game...

By the way, you still seem to have not made it clear how is it possible that there were games developed for PC only even before console ports and simultaneous development was the norm.
Post edited June 11, 2016 by Fenixp
Oh boy.

I have been "playing" this game for approx 100 hours for one straight month, and I still can't believe how bug-ridden it is even a whole year after its original release. Sure, some bugs could have been funny a year ago (like multiple-headed horses and hovering NPCs), but now after a whole circle, they are definitely not.
What's CD Projekt Red doing anyway other than introducing fresh bugs via new updates?

What a wasted opportunity for greatness...
AwesomeMallard: Oh boy.

I have been "playing" this game for approx 100 hours for one straight month, and I still can't believe how bug-ridden it is even a whole year after its original release. Sure, some bugs could have been funny a year ago (like multiple-headed horses and hovering NPCs), but now after a whole circle, they are definitely not.
What's CD Projekt Red doing anyway other than introducing fresh bugs via new updates?

What a wasted opportunity for greatness...
And so the circle starts again: start reading on page one, second post - and on - and on - etc.
AwesomeMallard: Oh boy.

I have been "playing" this game for approx 100 hours for one straight month, and I still can't believe how bug-ridden it is even a whole year after its original release. Sure, some bugs could have been funny a year ago (like multiple-headed horses and hovering NPCs), but now after a whole circle, they are definitely not.
What's CD Projekt Red doing anyway other than introducing fresh bugs via new updates?

What a wasted opportunity for greatness...
zerebrush: And so the circle starts again: start reading on page one, second post - and on - and on - etc.
No, I'm dead serious, I think I have experienced every possible "funny" bug there is. Don't be so salty my German friend.

Btw, are you watching Euro?
AwesomeMallard: Firstly, I know this post will rustle the jimmies of some people, but I have to do it.

I need some advice, I am contemplating of asking for a refund. I bought the game on May 17 (my b-day) and I have been playing (beta testing it) since then. I am utterly astonished that this game has so many bugs and glitches even after so many updates; it's almost as skyrim in terms of bugginess; everywhere I go I see some immersion breaking glitch in game world ; textural bugs, Ai bugs, frame rate bugs, crash to desktop.

For the record: I really wanted to enjoy this game (like I did previous two) but it's impossible due to sheer amount of problems Witcher 3 has. I am a busy person, my time is precious, and I don't want to spend it wasting it by looking at workarounds for bugs. Still baffled how this much bug-ridden game can be game of the year...

Please don't make open world games anymore CD Projekt Red, you s**k at it.
Really? Skyrim level bugs? In my personal experience, you are spouting grade A bullshit. Go back to WOW or COD.