Sun: Hi mates,
does anybody know if the patch is to be release to fix those terrible horse controls? Can she even jump? I know she can but mostly she cant even jump over the fences. She can be stuck behind low obstacles etc. I love this game but this issue is really game breaking :(
I heard people saying you can jump with the horse but I was never able to do it until a few days ago. I admit to having never looked in the manual or any other information on the controls except for the options screen keyboard layout and personal experimentation. Here is how I've found the horse works so far:
Press the following key(s) and get the corresponding result:
W - move forward in a straight line, steer with A and D
SHIFT+W - move forward faster (cantor), steer with A and D
If you press capslock once it toggles whether walk by default or run by default is on in which case the above 2 are reversed from what is listed.
double tap SHIFT+W - gallop very fast forward, steer with A and D
SHIFT (alone, do not press W), move forward with cantor and if you are on a road or path, automatically follow the road
double tap SHIFT (do not press W), gallop forward very fast and follow the road as per above.
With both of the last two if you move the mouse mouse hard left or right the horse will follow that direction turn at a fork in the road. This is non-obvious and I discovered it by accident one day.
To jump with the horse you MUST NOT PRESS W. This means that while holding SHIFT down by itself in a cantor, or double tap to gallop, as long as you are not pressing shift at the time, you can hit the space bar and the horse will in fact jump pretty much every time.
CDPR really should update the game code so that the space bar jumps the horse whether or not W is pressed down as it is kind of dumb the way it works now that you _have_ to let go of W and you might not want the horse to follow the road while doing so.