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Interesting how the subject of this post really isn't what it has turned out to be about.

Looks like there are plenty of lefties here. Like many others here I too just learned to use the mouse in my right hand. In fact I have very rarely tried it in my left hand, and never for gaming. However, that is not to say that those who have learned to have the mouse in their left hand should be locked out, and yes, it does also indicate that some more customisation is needed.

This is PC gaming - we have over 100 keys to play with and nearly all can and should be open for rebinding to whatever task we wish (before you ask, I think there should be some, like Windows and Escape that should remain bound).

There are far too many locked keys in the bindings list that should be unlocked and I hope that comes out in a patch. Hell, I wonder how my dad would cope in these games - he binds movement forward and back to the left and right mouse buttons, and there are many many games he cannot play because they don't allow that mapping at all.
anomaly: Interesting how the subject of this post really isn't what it has turned out to be about.

Looks like there are plenty of lefties here. Like many others here I too just learned to use the mouse in my right hand. In fact I have very rarely tried it in my left hand, and never for gaming. However, that is not to say that those who have learned to have the mouse in their left hand should be locked out, and yes, it does also indicate that some more customisation is needed.

This is PC gaming - we have over 100 keys to play with and nearly all can and should be open for rebinding to whatever task we wish (before you ask, I think there should be some, like Windows and Escape that should remain bound).

There are far too many locked keys in the bindings list that should be unlocked and I hope that comes out in a patch. Hell, I wonder how my dad would cope in these games - he binds movement forward and back to the left and right mouse buttons, and there are many many games he cannot play because they don't allow that mapping at all.
Yes, yes, yes, to your Dad!

Sorry :o) Moving back and forth with the mouse buttons takes me back to Doom. It's a shame that he can't play many games though :o(

But yes, I can see that the Windows key should probably be locked (but with an ignore option in the game). I do tend to redefine Esc to 'Q' if a game will let me. It's just closer. Little details, like having both MouseWheelUp and MouseWheelDown separate, can be soooooo useful.
Ryuubei: gotta love discrimination!
Nobody likes lefties!
I had to learn how to work with right hand, and now I can do things with both hands. Equally bad.
anomaly: Interesting how the subject of this post really isn't what it has turned out to be about.
I don't know about you others, but I have tried all I can and know.
AHK isn't an option because XIGNcode "anticheat" actively scans for it and would ban me in another game.

So I am asking Support right now. If that doesn't work, I may have to ask for a refund.

Any of you had succes with either yet? Preorder refunds, or, much preferred, a solution to the keybinding problems?

anomaly: This is PC gaming - we have over 100 keys to play with and nearly all can and should be open for rebinding to whatever task we wish (before you ask, I think there should be some, like Windows and Escape that should remain bound).
in0perable: So if it's JUST inconvenient for him, for whom else should it be convenient then? If it is inconvenient for him, it seems he can't actually play - enjoy - be happy about the game, right?. I mean, wtf?
The point however is, something like this game cannot be set to left-handed mode is, just like PC minimum specs, something which can easily be found out on the internet. And such a policy doesn't cover it.
I mean, look at controllers: They generally don't exist in left-handed versions. So from a legal POV, you could always say that the game supports controllers, as per the game's official specs, and well, it works well with a controller for left-handed players, as per 25+ years of consoles.

The net result is that the distributor (not the game's creator, the distributor!) has no stake in this issue as the game functions as advertised, even if that functionality might not be what the OP desired.
anomaly: Interesting how the subject of this post really isn't what it has turned out to be about.
foo_: I don't know about you others, but I have tried all I can and know.
AHK isn't an option because XIGNcode "anticheat" actively scans for it and would ban me in another game.

So I am asking Support right now. If that doesn't work, I may have to ask for a refund.

Any of you had succes with either yet? Preorder refunds, or, much preferred, a solution to the keybinding problems?

anomaly: This is PC gaming - we have over 100 keys to play with and nearly all can and should be open for rebinding to whatever task we wish (before you ask, I think there should be some, like Windows and Escape that should remain bound).
You wont get a refund, at best they'll offer you store credit.

Also tell you to go bug CDPR, which is ironic since they're both part of the same company >.< but oh well.

That said it may be worth your while waiting another week or so, as CDPR have said they plan to release a patch that will unlock all the keys allowing for full rebiinding
Ryuubei: That said it may be worth your while waiting another week or so, as CDPR have said they plan to release a patch that will unlock all the keys allowing for full rebiinding
Sounds good. Can we have a reference for that ?
Post edited May 24, 2015 by styggron
So I see you got a refund from your bank. I hope you did the right thing and deleted TW3 from your computer and also deleted the install files.

I agree with others here that you should have taken time to properly respond to the situation, not hastily react to it...
Post edited May 24, 2015 by mcgeehe
mcgeehe: So I see you got a refund from your bank. I hope you did the right thing and deleted TW3 from your computer and also deleted the install files.

I agree with others here that you should have taken time to properly respond to the situation, not hastily react to it...
Wasn't hasty, i took a good while to decide, and based in on the actions of GOG support (or lack there of) and CDPR past history of fixing the issues for left handed gamers. As in they never did it for W2, despite promising to do so.

So while i'm happy they're saying they're gonna put out a patch that fixes it for W3, i won't believe it till it's out. At which point i'll happily rebuy it. If they don't, well whats one more broken promise and lost customer.

And yes i deleted, WTF would i keep a broken game? Seriously i wish people would drop this 'he's a scammer' bull shit. If i just wanted to avoid paying for the damn game i could have gotten it from the bay 20mins after the game launched.

There are easier and less convoluted ways of getting GOG games for free.

@Styggron Sorry i don't have it, it was something from the official forums. But as i said, given their track record with W2, i'd only believe it when it appears
Post edited May 24, 2015 by Ryuubei
mcgeehe: So I see you got a refund from your bank. I hope you did the right thing and deleted TW3 from your computer and also deleted the install files.

I agree with others here that you should have taken time to properly respond to the situation, not hastily react to it...
Ryuubei: Wasn't hasty, i took a good while to decide, and based in on the actions of GOG support (or lack there of) and CDPR past history of fixing the issues for left handed gamers. As in they never did it for W2, despite promising to do so.

So while i'm happy they're saying they're gonna put out a patch that fixes it for W3, i won't believe it till it's out. At which point i'll happily rebuy it. If they don't, well whats one more broken promise and lost customer.

And yes i deleted, WTF would i keep a broken game? Seriously i wish people would drop this 'he's a scammer' bull shit. If i just wanted to avoid paying for the damn game i could have gotten it from the bay 20mins after the game launched.

There are easier and less convoluted ways of getting GOG games for free.
Fair enough. I wasn't trying to call you a scammer or anything, so I apologize if I came across that way. I was just saying, I hope you did the right thing is all.

I agree that there needs to be better key binding. There's quite a few people that are in the same boat as you. Hopefully it will be fixed so everyone can enjoy the game.

The only reason I said you might have acted hastily was because there very well could be a fix on the way and and re-buying the game again would end up costing you more money because of the pre-order discount promotion. I suppose you can just wait for a sale and get it even cheaper though.
Post edited May 24, 2015 by mcgeehe
Ryuubei: Wasn't hasty, i took a good while to decide, and based in on the actions of GOG support (or lack there of) and CDPR past history of fixing the issues for left handed gamers. As in they never did it for W2, despite promising to do so.
I just have to say that as a left handed gamer speak for yourself and don't group me in with the likes of you. I have zero problems with the control scheme.
Ryuubei: Wasn't hasty, i took a good while to decide, and based in on the actions of GOG support (or lack there of) and CDPR past history of fixing the issues for left handed gamers. As in they never did it for W2, despite promising to do so.
Medwynd: I just have to say that as a left handed gamer speak for yourself and don't group me in with the likes of you. I have zero problems with the control scheme.
bully for you! shame a lot of others arent
Ryuubei: @Jumbik suck a nut. The game is UNPLAYABLE it's not about being but hurt, it's about accessability. My mate has a deformed hand, he was born with it. Is he being but hurt because he can't play it and wants a refund as well? If CD REd ever patched it (unlikely since they never patched the Witcher 2) i'd rebuy it in a heart beat.
1. "The controls suck" is not the same as "being unplayable". The Witcher (1) had awful controls, and it's still playable.
2. I have a friend who's blind. Would he be butt hurt, if he bought The Witcher 3 and asked for a refund because he can't enjoy the graphics? Yes, definitely.
3. I wasn't born English-speaking, yet most games are either in English or Japanese, so what? I learned English and now I enjoy games in English, and I plan on learning Japanese too. Do I buy Japanese games and ask for a refund because I don't understand Japanese? Nope.

Also, I don't really understand your problem. I can rebind most keyboard keys and all mouse buttons at will. I've attached a screenshot if you don't believe me.
Ryuubei: @Jumbik suck a nut. The game is UNPLAYABLE it's not about being but hurt, it's about accessability. My mate has a deformed hand, he was born with it. Is he being but hurt because he can't play it and wants a refund as well? If CD REd ever patched it (unlikely since they never patched the Witcher 2) i'd rebuy it in a heart beat.
s1drano: 1. "The controls suck" is not the same as "being unplayable". The Witcher (1) had awful controls, and it's still playable.
2. I have a friend who's blind. Would he be butt hurt, if he bought The Witcher 3 and asked for a refund because he can't enjoy the graphics? Yes, definitely.
3. I wasn't born English-speaking, yet most games are either in English or Japanese, so what? I learned English and now I enjoy games in English, and I plan on learning Japanese too. Do I buy Japanese games and ask for a refund because I don't understand Japanese? Nope.

Also, I don't really understand your problem. I can rebind most keyboard keys and all mouse buttons at will. I've attached a screenshot if you don't believe me.
1) W1 had almost no locked keys, would say no locked but there's proably one somewhere. W2 is where the key locking became common practice. W3 takes it to the max.

2) We duh numb nuts. You don't buy a game if you cant see it FFS some people are brain dead and you're proving it

3) Seriously WTF has language got to do with anything.

I swear to god all these prats who can't see beyond their own perfect existence make me shake my head in wonder. No wonder the gaming workd is so fucked up and full of discrimination when it's full of people and there 'it dosen't effect me so it dosen't exist' bull shit
Ryuubei: 1) W1 had almost no locked keys, would say no locked but there's proably one somewhere. W2 is where the key locking became common practice. W3 takes it to the max.
The keys weren't the problem, the controls were.
You either use the isometric view and are stuck with being unable to see what's around you while in combat, or you use OTS view and break your wrist whenever you have to loot.

Ryuubei: 2) We duh numb nuts. You don't buy a game if you cant see it FFS some people are brain dead and you're proving it
And apparently, you can't play and are still buying games.

Ryuubei: 3) Seriously WTF has language got to do with anything.
Simple: It's something you learn. Just like controls, really.
I once played all my games left-handed for a week, just for fun. It wasn't that hard, really. Just took a bit of getting used to. Admittedly, I'm not quite as good when playing left-handed, but it's hardly "unplayable" as you put it.

Ryuubei: I swear to god all these prats who can't see beyond their own perfect existence make me shake my head in wonder. No wonder the gaming workd is so fucked up and full of discrimination when it's full of people and there 'it dosen't effect me so it dosen't exist' bull shit
Instead of discriminating against the majority and feeling entitled to having everything handed to you on a silver plate, how about you learn to deal with it?
Just like how the blind learn to deal with not being able to play games, how we "dirty foreigners" learn to deal with games never getting localized, and how the left-handed learn to deal with right-handed controls? Is it really that much to ask?

First World problems, seriously.
Next thing we know, people with pollen allergy will demand for all trees to be burned to the ground.
Post edited May 25, 2015 by s1drano