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Ryuubei: errrr nope, Valve still have the same old refund policy, telling you to get stuffed. And yes they did say no to the EU courts, just as they said no when the courts told them to allow people to trade in their steam games
Lillesort131: How do you know that this feature ever was there? I suppose it has never been there but I would love to see a source of that claim.
Also, relevant xkcd:
Ryuubei: They use a piece of software coding to OVERIDE the hardware coding. That is the crux of the problem. So yes, it's removed because the software overides what the OS is telling the game. The OS tells the game its a left handed mouse set up X way. The software in W3 says screw you i want left handed mice to be Y way. The EXACT same issue that W2 had and still has.
Actually, I can program and have developed some smaller games. And as I see it, the most likely thing is that they skip some OS-abstractions in order to get better performance. This will therefore lose some settings. And I doubt that they have made an input function like this:

input = screw_you("I want left handed", osInput());

It is more likely that they simply didn't think of this. The code probably looks like this:

input = raw_input();

You could also just code your own driver or make the change in hardware if you want to force it to invert the mouse. Also, if you would alert them nicely of this issue, they will probably fix it within the next days.
Hehe, and I thought I might be some discrimination victim cause of the left hand ;-)
Fun aside, I totally agree with you - developer's are not aware of the issue or they are
and it's not on their priority list (which I doubt is the case) - that being said, I still consider
refund claims based on that annoyance (from my perspective, it can be a no-go for others)
a fully legit claim. If that's still a point in this thread ;)
Post edited May 19, 2015 by in0perable
in0perable: Hehe, and I thought I might be some discrimination victim cause of the left hand ;-)
It's probably not so far off :P, if left handers weren't in quite a minority you can expect they wouldn't overlook those things that easily.
in0perable: Hehe, and I thought I might be some discrimination victim cause of the left hand ;-)
Reaper9988: It's probably not so far off :P, if left handers weren't in quite a minority you can expect they wouldn't overlook those things that easily.
Saddly this is very true, though it's not that we're a minority rather its that we were forced to adapt. Initially mice were ambidextrous by default, it wasn't until ergonomics started it's thing that we started to get moulded mice. Companies decided that left handed people could use right handed mice (and keyboards) easily enough and didn't bother with left handed versions.

This was actually true initially. However as mice grew more and more complex, to the point where we have gaming mice with dozens of buttons, it's now become an issue. What's more the health issues of using right handed mice in a left hand are starting to come about now, with more and more people suffering joint problems (in their fingers) as well wrist issues as well.

So they started to make left handed stuff again, but they screw us over by sticking a premium on them. For example the right handed version of the mouse i use is £69, but the left handed version is £79. Gotta love being taxed for being left handed!
Doesn't this just come down to just using one finger for light attacks and another for heavy? Does it really matter which is which in that instance?
Let me start with saying I do not want to accuse anyone or anything. That's not the purpose of this post.

I want to ask some questions:

As you are probably aware, an company has to respect their consumers and can be addressed if they break consumer rules. At the other hand, the consumer also has to verify that the product they buy meets their needs..

In other words. To successfully claim an repay for an defect or inadequate product, it must met some criteria..

First: Has GOG/CDPR in any way made the explicit promise (by advertizing or publication on their website) that the product was usable for left- and right handed players?

Second: Has the buyer verified that the product in question was advertised or in any made suitable for left-handed use?
Third: Has the buyer contacted the seller and asked the question if the product was suitable/usable for left- handed use?

And if so - has the seller reacted in an verifiable way (official letter, dated and traceable e-mail) with an explicit guarantee the product is usable for left-handed people?

If non of the above is valid, it will become an bigger problem to reclaim any money. Assuming an product would met your needs is not enough. The buyer also has an obligation to inform himself (in an verifiable way), before buying an product that meets non-standard use (and an product being left-handed is not really standard).

Please notice I do not take any side here. I only want to make clear it is not as easy as most people would think.

That said - I really hope this ends well, and also hope CDPR will make an patch that grants left-handed people the comfortable use of en great game... ;-).
Export: Doesn't this just come down to just using one finger for light attacks and another for heavy? Does it really matter which is which in that instance?
No, it dosen't, and yes it does
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Ryuubei
I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but have you tried the simple free program AutoHotKey? It will let you rebind any keyboard key and mouse key to your liking.

It is sometimes frowned upon, especially for multiplayer games, because it *can* automate some things for you, but for helping you rebind keys in a single player game it should be perfectly fine for you to use.

It will only take a minute, literally, to do something as simple as rebind one key for another.

I do agree that more options in-game would be preferred, but maybe this program will help you get some enjoyment out of the game and let you play it without your hands hurting?
tinsel: I don't think anyone has mentioned it yet, but have you tried the simple free program AutoHotKey? It will let you rebind any keyboard key and mouse key to your liking.
I think he is more annoyed because of the lack of the facility itself. I posted a very basic guide on AutoHotKey here, should someone need it.
Oops, my apologies, I did not see your in-depth post (it should be stickied!) on rebinding.

I was only trying to help since it may be a while before they patch that in (I would hope that they patch basic rebinding in, at least).
tinsel: Oops, my apologies, I did not see your in-depth post (it should be stickied!) on rebinding.

I was only trying to help since it may be a while before they patch that in (I would hope that they patch basic rebinding in, at least).
I hope so as well. Still trying to figure out how to swap mouse buttons to help left-handers a bit, for an odd reason once you do so, you can use the right mouse button to load the game or navigate around the main menu, but as soon as you are in game and access the menu from there, neither of the two buttons function. Outside the menu, both buttons act as LMB.

If you got any ideas, I would appreciate it.
tinsel: Oops, my apologies, I did not see your in-depth post (it should be stickied!) on rebinding.

I was only trying to help since it may be a while before they patch that in (I would hope that they patch basic rebinding in, at least).
mmarci: I hope so as well. Still trying to figure out how to swap mouse buttons to help left-handers a bit, for an odd reason once you do so, you can use the right mouse button to load the game or navigate around the main menu, but as soon as you are in game and access the menu from there, neither of the two buttons function. Outside the menu, both buttons act as LMB.

If you got any ideas, I would appreciate it.
Sorry, I would need to know more in detail. What exactly are you trapping, where is it working, and where is it not?
Off the top of my head (and I haven't used AHK in a while so I am rusty), if the traps are working in one area but not another, are you trapping via a process window? If so, perhaps the game has multiple process windows (and your traps are only working in the one process). Another idea, without knowing more, is that if you are trapping for mouse clicks: 1. make sure you have no other mouse software running (naga, etc.) as those will be able to overwrite ahk's traps, and 2. there are at least 3 ways to trap for mouse clicks...try all 3 to see if you have better luck?

Of course, there is always the possibility that the code will be refreshing any built-in traps too often for AHK to work (it isn't likely, as there's no reason to do so code-wise, but I have seen other games do it).
thainej6: Witcher 2 had the same type of issues at launch, so one would expect that they had learned from past mistakes on bindings, etc. I recommend autohotkey if you insist on playing with mouse/keyboard as a lefty, I used it to assign buttons wherever I wanted until they patched W2. Comes in handy for lots of games that give you the middle finger on key binding. Luckily I've avoided the mess this time by using my PS4 controller, which thus far has worked flawlessly.
As a lefty I just use a G13 on the left side of my keyboard, all problems solved.
Ryuubei: So GOG have made a big thing about having a 30day refund policy, well guess what it's BS. I physically can't play the game because of the games screwing over left handed mice (again) and none rebindable keys.
As a lefty myself, how have you not learned to just use the mouse on the right by now?
Post edited May 19, 2015 by Medwynd
Give it time, it's only the first day. They are listening to people's concerns and will address critical priorities, I assure you.
thainej6: Witcher 2 had the same type of issues at launch, so one would expect that they had learned from past mistakes on bindings, etc. I recommend autohotkey if you insist on playing with mouse/keyboard as a lefty, I used it to assign buttons wherever I wanted until they patched W2. Comes in handy for lots of games that give you the middle finger on key binding. Luckily I've avoided the mess this time by using my PS4 controller, which thus far has worked flawlessly.
Medwynd: As a lefty I just use a G13 on the left side of my keyboard, all problems solved.
Ryuubei: So GOG have made a big thing about having a 30day refund policy, well guess what it's BS. I physically can't play the game because of the games screwing over left handed mice (again) and none rebindable keys.
Medwynd: As a lefty myself, how have you not learned to just use the mouse on the right by now?
Why should i have to?