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Does any one have a spare save file near the end of the game, just before battle at Kaer Morden, and with the triss romance story done the quest with the Djin etc and not romanced yennefer? I'd done most of the contracts and secondary missions etc.

If any one has a spare save file close to that, they could zip up and pm or link me, I'd be grateful. The triss part is the most important detail. ;)

Here it is, new game+, story and sword difficulty, choosing to romance Triss over Yennefer. The save is just before the battle when you need to help Yen fix her megascope.!528&authkey=!ACzo7t0EjKlr-bE&ithint=file%2crar
Ingsoc85: Here it is, new game+, story and sword difficulty, choosing to romance Triss over Yennefer. The save is just before the battle when you need to help Yen fix her megascope.!528&authkey=!ACzo7t0EjKlr-bE&ithint=file%2crar
THX for reply
but I want save game after finding siri if u can help I'll be pleased
Post edited April 12, 2016 by Ahmedabd1997