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A month ago CDPR talked about the 1.12 patch would be released in December. Any news?
It's common knowledge that it has been pushed back until the new year. Last week Marcin Momot said there was "no news".
Hickory: It's common knowledge that it has been pushed back until the new year. Last week Marcin Momot said there was "no news".
Is your pedestal made of gold and engraved with diamonds?
Hickory: It's common knowledge that it has been pushed back until the new year. Last week Marcin Momot said there was "no news".
stevezy: Is your pedestal made of gold and engraved with diamonds?
What's the matter? Nothing better to bleat about? Poor lamb!
stevezy: Is your pedestal made of gold and engraved with diamonds?
Hickory: What's the matter? Nothing better to bleat about? Poor lamb!
I mean, I know you sit on a chrome phallus attached atop the pedestal, but I just wanted to know what it was made of? You know living in in England and all, you could be royalty . . .
Maverick89: A month ago CDPR talked about the 1.12 patch would be released in December. Any news?
They said possibly a release on New Year's day, but definitely not in December. So I am looking at a February release because Marcin Momot is an uncle fucker.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by stevezy
stevezy: You know living in in England and all, you could be royalty . . .
Wow, so you really are as pathetically ignorant as you sound. And here was me thinking you actually worked at it...
stevezy: You know living in in England and all, you could be royalty . . .
Hickory: Wow, so you really are as pathetically ignorant as you sound. And here was me thinking you actually worked at it...
Will this work then? Don't be a prick, hick.
Post edited December 20, 2015 by stevezy
Hickory: Wow, so you really are as pathetically ignorant as you sound. And here was me thinking you actually worked at it...
stevezy: Will this work then? Don't be a prick, hick.
That's right, when at a loss, resort to expletives. Do yourself a favour -- which I know you won't -- and quit before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
stevezy: Will this work then? Don't be a prick, hick.
Hickory: That's right, when at a loss, resort to expletives. Do yourself a favour -- which I know you won't -- and quit before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
So sophisticated you are. Come down off that pedestal, Hickory. Pride comes before the fall.
Hickory: That's right, when at a loss, resort to expletives. Do yourself a favour -- which I know you won't -- and quit before you make an even bigger fool of yourself.
stevezy: So sophisticated you are. Come down off that pedestal, Hickory. Pride comes before the fall.
The only pedestal is in your twisted mind, fool.
stevezy: So sophisticated you are. Come down off that pedestal, Hickory. Pride comes before the fall.
Hickory: The only pedestal is in your twisted mind, fool.
Dude seriously? Still? Don't worry man, I will let you get in the last blow; mostly because I am sick of seeing a number 1 next to account, thinking one of my games updated, only to see you are still trying to fucking argue. You are a mall cop, plain and simple. You think is steam and that you are a moderator who's been given power over other people's threads . . .news flash, you don't, you have no power. But that is why you are here, because you think you do, so you can make up for all of the shortcomings in your life; to compensate. Get off of the Witcher 3 forums dude. Every time I see you post on someone's thread it is never helpful, and you just become a condescending asshat towards the person who started the thread. Nobody gives a shit about your opinion, that's why everyone ignores you when you post on their thread. All that rep you have garnered over 5 years is from trolling the forums here on The truth hurts; get over yourself.
Hickory: It's common knowledge that it has been pushed back until the new year. Last week Marcin Momot said there was "no news".
"Common knowledge" ?!?!
stevezy: <Drivel>
Are you *still* bleating? Get over yourself.
Hickory: It's common knowledge that it has been pushed back until the new year. Last week Marcin Momot said there was "no news".
Maverick89: "Common knowledge" ?!?!
Post edited December 21, 2015 by Hickory