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ATinyCheesecake: Please, somebody tell me that the -1 Enemy Bug has been fixed.
enemy with -1 lvl you can repair to verify/repair game files and load save before starting this quest CDPR a long ago tell that -1 enemy is because damaged game files when download
Every time a new patch comes out my keybindings are reset. Anyone else have this issue?
ATinyCheesecake: Please, somebody tell me that the -1 Enemy Bug has been fixed.
Extreme96PL: enemy with -1 lvl you can repair to verify/repair game files and load save before starting this quest CDPR a long ago tell that -1 enemy is because damaged game files when download
Already fixed it by installing the Free DLCs manually, but thank you for taking your time to answer!
aidanr: Every time a new patch comes out my keybindings are reset. Anyone else have this issue?
Yep, happens all the time. I don't mind though...
Does this patch add DX12 support? I thought it was supposed to but I dont see it in the patch notes anywhere.
Please help me ... when i update the game,Cirila cant move in Quest :Retaliation and when iam in the Barn to steel the horses i cant find the key .. ( the key is not on the table)
Post edited January 15, 2016 by Kejvy
after installing this patch, some enemies don't fight and don' move anymore. I also can't kill them, so it is not possible to finish some small quests and Gerald stays in fighting position . Before the patch I never had this problems.
Please help me. After you install the new patch, I am having problems with textures missing chest where he kept things and that it is not clear a deck of cards. In patch 1.11 is also present, but after some time has passed. So I'm willing to take that error at me. But how to fix it? Tell me the solution. P. S. Sorry for my English.
Kejvy: Please help me ... when i update the game,Cirila cant move in Quest :Retaliation and when iam in the Barn to steel the horses i cant find the key .. ( the key is not on the table)
Olito68: after installing this patch, some enemies don't fight and don' move anymore. I also can't kill them, so it is not possible to finish some small quests and Gerald stays in fighting position . Before the patch I never had this problems.
AnimNord: Please help me. After you install the new patch, I am having problems with textures missing chest where he kept things and that it is not clear a deck of cards. In patch 1.11 is also present, but after some time has passed. So I'm willing to take that error at me. But how to fix it? Tell me the solution. P. S. Sorry for my English.
Are you guys using GOG Galaxy Client? Have you tried to verify the game content?
AnimNord: Please help me. After you install the new patch, I am having problems with textures missing chest where he kept things and that it is not clear a deck of cards. In patch 1.11 is also present, but after some time has passed. So I'm willing to take that error at me. But how to fix it? Tell me the solution. P. S. Sorry for my English.
Azulath: Are you guys using GOG Galaxy Client? Have you tried to verify the game content?
Danke, hat geklappt.
1.12. Thank you CDPR! <3
Ładnie GOG leci w kulki na Steam jest poprawka do gwinta już 2 dni a tu nie a ja nie mogę grać bo nie otrzymuje kart wszystkich ,złodziejstwo i tyle jak bym wiedział ,że ten GOG takie gówno jest nigdy bym na to gry nie kupił.
Olito68: after installing this patch, some enemies don't fight and don' move anymore. I also can't kill them, so it is not possible to finish some small quests and Gerald stays in fighting position . Before the patch I never had this problems.
I'm way into the end of the game when the update got installed, caranthir could not move and so where the wild hunt soldiers. Now that I am facing ederin he cant move also and I can't kill him because he's not taking damage help
How do I know what version I am playing? Second: Does the latest patch 1:12 include all the previous patches in case I missed one? Thanks

Cannot get examine(E) to appear in "Fool's Gold" Quest? Please help.

Thank you
Post edited January 28, 2016 by abdel56
abdel56: How do I know what version I am playing?
The patch version you are running is displayed on the top left under game title in the start menu. If you're running the Galaxy client, it will also state the patch version next to the "Play" and "More" button.