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They said December . . . now it is January -_-
How come you life 1 month in the future?! Time Traveling-Patch 1.01 BETA?! :-D
Post edited December 08, 2015 by rembrandt2323
it's good to know what cdpr need one more month to fix -1lvl bug what totally break game.
hotfix for losers.
Post edited December 08, 2015 by Ferion_Virian
So this patch is now coming out in January instead of December? Would like to get more info on this, especially since I am stuck on rescuing prisoner blacksmith who doesn't move :(

Found the answer. Patch 1.12 is delayed until after New Years Day 2016...
Post edited December 17, 2015 by Storm1703
Right now they are focused on the new extension of the witcher 3 and above on the "game" Cyberpunk 2077. This is why the patch are now long out. Cd project is a small team and the most important thing is that they continue to leave the patch for the game even though the period may be long.
Lukin86: Cd project is a small team
You should probably watch the credits :-P
Waiting for 1.12, December almost over and no news about 1.12. 1.11 made the game worse.
Lukin86: Cd project is a small team
Fenixp: You should probably watch the credits :-P
Actually, speaking of the credits, I noticed with patch 1.11 that "The Witcher 3" that shows up before the credits roll is in Polish (I think).
New Year 2016 - to be , patch 1.12
Honestly, I really don't care too much as I haven't been able to play the game properly since patch 1.07...

I even bought a fuckin' r9 290 in preparation, (I preordered the game) even though I had a Phenom II x6 1055t that was a slight bottle neck which still ran fine on ultra/1400x900, as the game prior to 1.07 infecting my performance, ran a smooth 40-55 in white orchard (Where I still reside) I have since upgraded my MoBo/CPU to an AMD FX Black 8350, yet STILL, I get horrific stuttering making the game virtually unplayable as they seemed to have simply applied the patches over that shitty 1.07 patch...

So yeah, I completely lost my enthusiasm, so until they roll back the "fixes" with that 1.07 error it really won't make a bit of difference how long or large their next "patch" is to me, as I don't need to change my system when the entirety of my library runs quite fine!

...Bah, I'm pretty much neglecting W3 as I'm playing FO4 and Dying light/Mordor anyways...
Post edited December 26, 2015 by takezodunmer2005
takezodunmer2005: [...]I get horrific stuttering making the game virtually unplayable as they seemed to have simply applied the patches over that shitty 1.07 patch...
Did you tried this solutions?

It helped me with stuttering on my PC (E8400, Nvidia GTX560Ti, 8 GB RAM, Win7 64-bit). I'm playing on medium settings but my display is 1280x1024 (Eizo S1932).
Well, 1.11 broke the game for me. Cant fix cos getting server problem with GoG. Nothing else works.
Funny thing is the game says 1.11 and I downloaded the single DLC v1.11 as well.

Now I set the auto update to manual and noticed I can 'rollback' to 1.11? How does 1.11 roll back to 1.11?

10GB download as well. Sigh - don't know how a game can win Game of the Year when it has game breaking bugs unresolved for months.
takezodunmer2005: [...]I get horrific stuttering making the game virtually unplayable as they seemed to have simply applied the patches over that shitty 1.07 patch...
TPR: Did you tried this solutions?

It helped me with stuttering on my PC (E8400, Nvidia GTX560Ti, 8 GB RAM, Win7 64-bit). I'm playing on medium settings but my display is 1280x1024 (Eizo S1932).
Thanks for the links, I'll give it a go...Sad irony is that Mordor and Dying light runs flawlessly, 60+Unbroken FPS...a much better optimized PC game, as The Witcher 2/3 pre-1.07...It sucks that we got a console parallel patch..I'll give you an update on my progress.
So . . . new year's day huh?
i'm waiting for the new patch too...

..i played and thought "does a windmill in this world really just has ONE big blade that disappears if i get closer?! - strange"

same at the fountain where u have to kill the "noon appearance" (? german sry) realy early in the game - sidequest.

when 1.12 will come to us?!