nassia17: As all of you have noticed, some monsters are easy to kill in certain areas, while others have the skull icon above their health bar, which means "certain death".... now... I am currently on level 7 and I was wondering, if you need experience (level 10 or higher) for the skull icon to disappear... If I level up will the icon disappear? Or does ii exists anyway, just to tell you, that you will definitely spend some more time there, trying to kill the monster?
The red skull shows up as an indication that there is a huge difference between your character level and the level of the monster as a way to inform and deter you from attempting to fight it right away. When you gain enough levels to be stronger and more capable to handle a fight with the monster, the red skull will disappear. The skull is just a "DANGER DANGER" warning to you, nothing more.
You'll have to find your own comfort zone as to how comfortable you are fighting higher level enemies and be careful the higher the spread. Your skill will improve over time likely too, affording you greater leeway in fighting higher level monsters. I'm pretty comfortable fighting 4-5 level higher creatures for the most part, and maybe the occasional even slightly higher, but not near the start of the game, just in the middle. Also certain enemies are tough enough that it is a good idea to wait it out and come back when you're level matched.
Then there's that level 48 archgrifin mikbhoy alluded to. I'm level 35 and he kicked my arse too although I watched a video on youtube of someone killing him at level 36 using only Quen and Igni, exploding arrows, and dodge and roll. Took him about 5 minutes so I'll have to try that again.