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Hello there,

after so lang time, I finally started playing The Witcher 3. Just as for its predecessors, I installed a mod for invulnerability (or, in this case, for very quick health regeneration) from the very beginning - I don't want to discuss if this is better or worse, I just don't like games that force me to replay certain scenes because I got killed. I want the story and the experience without stupid repetitions, that's it.

Unfortunately, the only fitting mod I found crashes the game directly, I suppose, something changed with some update or so. Well, that leads to my question:

Is there a mod that removes the possibility of dying or how can I mod this by myself? I could use a trainer, but the last two games had such easy options and it would be way more comfortable... Any talented molders reading this?

Thank you :)
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You could install the Debug Console Enabler and activate God mode. By typing "god" in the debug console.
Thanks... not the way it want it to, but a workaroun. Still, does this still work? I've extracted the files and startet Witcher 3 via Galaxy, but pressing F2 ingame does nothing :/
It might be out of date. You could try this one which should work with the newest version.
However if you are looking for a life regeneration mod you could try this one and see if it is what you are looking for.
Post edited April 03, 2016 by Xerafex
You don't need a mod. The Witcher 3 has difficulty options when you start a new game. Just choose the option, "Just the Story".
Hickory: You don't need a mod. The Witcher 3 has difficulty options when you start a new game. Just choose the option, "Just the Story".
Yeah, I saw that as well. But W3 seems to be a quite hard game - not that I have problems with dying already, but even in the very first quests in the "tutorial world", a pack of wolves or bandits get my health to the lower 20%. That's totally fine now, but I don't think it will stay that easy. So "just the story" seems to be like "normal" in other games. No thanks, sorry :(