Clonazepam: It's probably the 352.86 driver. I literally just moments ago had error while browsing chrome, nothing else but background crap going.
yeah I've been glued to the nvidia and guru forums since I've been crashing so much in the witcher 3. Strange thing is I'm not having any tdr crashes while using chrome at all. It just crashes the witcher 3 after 30 min to an hour of gameplay, every single time.
I've tried a few fixes to stop this damn game from TDR crashing with 352.86 but nothing works. Always crashes after 30 minutes to 1 hour of gameplay.
-removed galaxy.dll from 64x folder
-removed reshade/sweetfx that I was using thinking it might be causing conflicts
-set nvidia control panel back to defaults other than prefer max performance setting which is on.
-fullscreen and borderless windowed mode
-lowered a stable overclock
-tried running the game in a higher priority
-tried running it as admin
Nothing stops the tdr crash. Definitely driver and 1.04 issue going on