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I'm not sure what I've done but The Witcher 3 just does not want to run for very long tonight. I think it might be an issue with saving and loading save games because it seems to happen more often at that point (although it did CTD randomly during a conversation with a priestess at Freya's Shrine north of the Garden). Five in ten minutes is too much so I've given up for now. When's patch 1.12 due again?
After the latest patch i've got issues (again) with CTD's too, about every hour of running the game, can't figure if it's the new GPU drivers or something else. Hope there is a fix sometime in the future cause it's pretty damn irritating.
I just bought the game when it went on sale, and the damn thing crashes constantly.

I think it is a mix of bugs with AMD's new drivers and CDPR's total shit optimization for AMD ... but I do agree that it has been CTD-ing a lot tonight.

the last few days I have been getting blue screned every 5-ish hours, but tonight the game has just been crashing to the desktop instead of crashing the whole PC.
it started to CTD on me as well. numerous times, like crazy. intel+nvidia. I was playing on 1.11 patch all along from the very start and it didnt CTD before. strange, becuse it seems no update was issued in the meantime, so what is actually causing this?
Post edited November 29, 2015 by slimeck.972
Never heard of: "CTD" before, what does it stand for?
Post edited December 01, 2015 by NovumZ
A quick search on the internet reveals: Crash to Desktop
Post edited December 01, 2015 by RyaReisender
yeah: CTD = Crash To Desktop VS BSOD = Blue Screen Of Death.

CTD's are -MUCH- better than BSOD's since a CTD just crashes your program while a BSOD crashes your whole PC.

Not desirable, but better.
RyaReisender: A quick search on the internet reveals: Crash to Desktop
I mean...I can built a computer but until yesterday I didn't know what ctd was, ha ha silly me. :)

Thank you.
Post edited December 01, 2015 by NovumZ