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Alright so I get into the menu and either I wait a few seconds and it crashes by it's own or I click any menu button and then it crashes instantly.
I already re-installed it and even tried the automated GOG verify/repair system. Nothing seems to work. I'm really desperate because Blood & Wine is rumored to be released soon and I don't want to miss out on it.
Some more facts: screen doesn't freeze it just shuts the game down as if I would end it; music plays normally and it seems as if I could press any button but as mentioned if I do so it instantly crashes.
Thanks in advance for the help :)
This question / problem has been solved by Hickoryimage
Sounds like you have mods installed, since you've tried the repair option. If so, remove them, and especially any mods with scripts.
Hickory: Sounds like you have mods installed, since you've tried the repair option. If so, remove them, and especially any mods with scripts.
I can't find any mods. I don't think I have any installed. Is there any way to be 100% sure?
Hickory: Sounds like you have mods installed, since you've tried the repair option. If so, remove them, and especially any mods with scripts.
Nyrom: I can't find any mods. I don't think I have any installed. Is there any way to be 100% sure?
If you don't know, then I hardly doubt that you have any installed, unless others have access to your installation. You need to download and install mods yourself. All but the oldest of mods are found in a folder called 'Mods' inside your game installation directory. If you don't have a 'Mods' folder, it's probable that you don't have any mods, but not definite. If you don't have mods, then I can only think that your installation is corrupt, despite you having said you repaired it. In such a case, I would completely uninstall the game, re-download the installer and start again. You may still use your old saves, but I would test the game out on a new save first, to rule out corrupt saves.
Post edited April 16, 2016 by Hickory
Nyrom: I can't find any mods. I don't think I have any installed. Is there any way to be 100% sure?
Hickory: If you don't know, then I hardly doubt that you have any installed, unless others have access to your installation. You need to download and install mods yourself. All but the oldest of mods are found in a folder called 'Mods' inside your game installation directory. If you don't have a 'Mods' folder, it's probable that you don't have any mods, but not definite. If you don't have mods, then I can only think that your installation is corrupt, despite you having said you repaired it. In such a case, I would completely uninstall the game, re-download the installer and start again. You may still use your old saves, but I would test the game out on a new save first, to rule out corrupt saves.
Ok thanks I will try and see if it works.
Nyrom: I can't find any mods. I don't think I have any installed. Is there any way to be 100% sure?
Hickory: If you don't know, then I hardly doubt that you have any installed, unless others have access to your installation. You need to download and install mods yourself. All but the oldest of mods are found in a folder called 'Mods' inside your game installation directory. If you don't have a 'Mods' folder, it's probable that you don't have any mods, but not definite. If you don't have mods, then I can only think that your installation is corrupt, despite you having said you repaired it. In such a case, I would completely uninstall the game, re-download the installer and start again. You may still use your old saves, but I would test the game out on a new save first, to rule out corrupt saves.
So I deleted everything, backed up my save files and started a new game. This time I got to the loading screen and it was half done and then it crashed. So i guess some progress (yay?) but still the crashing issue.
Hickory: If you don't know, then I hardly doubt that you have any installed, unless others have access to your installation. You need to download and install mods yourself. All but the oldest of mods are found in a folder called 'Mods' inside your game installation directory. If you don't have a 'Mods' folder, it's probable that you don't have any mods, but not definite. If you don't have mods, then I can only think that your installation is corrupt, despite you having said you repaired it. In such a case, I would completely uninstall the game, re-download the installer and start again. You may still use your old saves, but I would test the game out on a new save first, to rule out corrupt saves.
Nyrom: So I deleted everything, backed up my save files and started a new game. This time I got to the loading screen and it was half done and then it crashed. So i guess some progress (yay?) but still the crashing issue.
Deleted everything then started a new game? What does that mean. Did you uninstall the game via Control Panel, then re-download the installer, and start again, or just start again?
Nyrom: So I deleted everything, backed up my save files and started a new game. This time I got to the loading screen and it was half done and then it crashed. So i guess some progress (yay?) but still the crashing issue.
Hickory: Deleted everything then started a new game? What does that mean. Did you uninstall the game via Control Panel, then re-download the installer, and start again, or just start again?
Sorry stupid phrasing. Yes I did completely uninstall everything, then re-installed and started a new save file like you suggested.
Nyrom: Yes I did completely uninstall everything, then re-installed and started a new save file like you suggested.
Hm, then it may be time to post some details on your system, hardware etc.
Maybe it was one of those bad luck bugs that ruined everything and get stuck in the save file with only going away if you delete everything and start over...
Happened to me many times in the past with lots of games....really a bummer.
I do however hope its hardware or software windows related so that it can be fixed in a way that it wont happen again to you! Best of luck!
Nyrom: Yes I did completely uninstall everything, then re-installed and started a new save file like you suggested.
Hickory: Hm, then it may be time to post some details on your system, hardware etc.
The problem shouldn't be there since I've played it before perfectly fine but sure:
Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores)
64 bit
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980

Windows 7 Ultimate

If anything else is required just say so. Thanks a lot btw.
Nyrom: Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores)
64 bit
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980
Windows 7 Ultimate
I'm going to say get rid of Galaxy. Galaxy is at or near the top of reasons that this (and other) game does not run properly. Completely uninstall Galaxy, then install the game manually, and run it manually via the shortcut that the installer creates. Until GOG gets Galaxy to a stable state, I personally don't recommend it to anybody.
Nyrom: Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores)
64 bit
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980
Windows 7 Ultimate
Hickory: I'm going to say get rid of Galaxy. Galaxy is at or near the top of reasons that this (and other) game does not run properly. Completely uninstall Galaxy, then install the game manually, and run it manually via the shortcut that the installer creates. Until GOG gets Galaxy to a stable state, I personally don't recommend it to anybody.
Alright thanks I will try it tomorrow and hopefully get it to work. Thanks again!
Nyrom: Intel Core i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz (4 cores)
64 bit
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980
Windows 7 Ultimate
Hickory: I'm going to say get rid of Galaxy. Galaxy is at or near the top of reasons that this (and other) game does not run properly. Completely uninstall Galaxy, then install the game manually, and run it manually via the shortcut that the installer creates. Until GOG gets Galaxy to a stable state, I personally don't recommend it to anybody.
Thanks alot. It seems to work just fine and now I am prepared for Blood & Wine. Thanks again!
Nyrom: Thanks alot. It seems to work just fine and now I am prepared for Blood & Wine. Thanks again!
Excellent. Have fun.