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I am new to the Witcher 3 and although the game looks very impressive, I am not impressed with how the character plays on PS4.

1. Walks a bit like he is drunk (no I haven't drunk any drinks!), feels sticky and magnetic, its fine when you are sprinting across the landscape but for intricate walking around looting etc it just feels like trying to control Woody from Toy Story. Just does not feel a positive experience. Also slow response when activating horse, which also feels sloppy, again its fine when you are galloping along road with auto tracking on, but changing direction at slow speeds just feels awkward trying to position a positive direction. I understand the try for realism but it just feels that the exponential on movement is somewhat delayed an unresponsive when buttons are first pressed.

2. Ciri is way too bright and does not match the scenery, just done the Werewolf quest and she looks too saturated and bright, darken her down, this may be on other characters but I am only about level 6 so not been playing long.
She definitely looks a bit super imposed.

My personal preference.

1. Colour temperature could do with tweaking on sunsets, it's very heavy on the scenery and very yellow, it needs the temperature adjusting a bit more toward oranges. The heavy yellow just looks a bit anaemic. Check out the brick walls and looking towards a sunset through a forest you will see what I mean. Also saturation is too much at this time of day.

2. Lightning effects are not real time on objects, you can see the lightning in the sky but when you look at the scenery or pan down there is nothing going on. Elder scrolls online lightning is fantastic, make it like that. Seeing the shadows from lightning in this game would be outstanding and totally change the experience, which is great as it is but is a shame that there is no real world shadow creation from lightning.
Also the animations of the lightning is a bit low end, the forks look like Scooby Doo.

Please address these issues then for me it might be a 10!

You may be partly right, but most of what you said is your preference, and some people wouldn't like those changes.
monsterhunter1: Please address these issues then for me it might be a 10! is a distribution platform, not the developer. Please address suggestions to CD Projekt Red.
Ok thanks, will do.
monsterhunter1: Please address these issues then for me it might be a 10!
Hickory: is a distribution platform, not the developer. Please address suggestions to CD Projekt Red.
That being said, since many of your concern are subjective I strongly doubt that CDPR will add these changes. (I think they even mentioned at one time that changing the tone map of the lightning system would be a very time consuming endeavour)