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*WARNING* long rant about Yennefer.

I need someone to explain this to me, because for the life of me I can't understand how Geralt is so hopelessly in love with Yennefer. Even though the game offers you different choices, it's obvious it's leaning towards Yennefer much more than the rest (I haven't played the expansions though).

Yennefer is just the worst type of person I can think of. Powerful, beautiful and ridiculously arrogant. She flaunts her superior traits whenever she can and doesn't display the tiniest bit of humility. Everyone is beneath her, and even if she really cares about Geralt, she still treats him as if he's a blunt object (and everyone else for that matter).
Every single character in the game tells Geralt how much they dislike her and her attitude, including his own Witcher family. I don't recall meeting one person in the game who says something nice about her (not even Geralt).

I thought that maybe the books provided some insight as to why Geralt fancies her so much. I read The Last Wish, and when I finished I vocally said "Are you fucking kidding me?!". After what she did to him when they met, I was surprised Geralt didn't stab her afterwards. And it goes on in the books of how much she is constantly a bitch every single time of the day.

I played through the game 3 times to see different paths in the quests, and I could just never bring myself to getting Geralt with her. I just feel bad doing it to him.

Ugh. Anyways this was more venting for me, but feel free to share your insight.
She's supposedly a bit nicer in the books, so i heard at least. Dunno, as I haven't read them yet and judging just by the game i agree. Triss wins by a mile.

*spoilers i guess* rejecting her after the djinn quest with the boat was just what i wanted.
She really isn't nicer in the books. When they met, what she did to him was one of the most demeaning things I've ever read. Also, Geralt sometimes helps others in need during his travels without asking for anything in return, if the situation is dire enough, but Yennefer never once lifts a finger without her gaining anything out of it, just like the rest of sorceresses (maybe besides Triss).

There are some romantic moments between them in the books, but I couldn't help but cringe when they occurred since she's such an awful person and Geralt follows her around like a lost puppy.
Post edited July 07, 2016 by Albarok
Albarok: *WARNING* long rant about Yennefer.

I need someone to explain this to me, because for the life of me I can't understand how Geralt is so hopelessly in love with Yennefer. Even though the game offers you different choices, it's obvious it's leaning towards Yennefer much more than the rest (I haven't played the expansions though).

Yennefer is just the worst type of person I can think of. Powerful, beautiful and ridiculously arrogant. She flaunts her superior traits whenever she can and doesn't display the tiniest bit of humility. Everyone is beneath her, and even if she really cares about Geralt, she still treats him as if he's a blunt object (and everyone else for that matter).
Every single character in the game tells Geralt how much they dislike her and her attitude, including his own Witcher family. I don't recall meeting one person in the game who says something nice about her (not even Geralt).

I thought that maybe the books provided some insight as to why Geralt fancies her so much. I read The Last Wish, and when I finished I vocally said "Are you fucking kidding me?!". After what she did to him when they met, I was surprised Geralt didn't stab her afterwards. And it goes on in the books of how much she is constantly a bitch every single time of the day.

I played through the game 3 times to see different paths in the quests, and I could just never bring myself to getting Geralt with her. I just feel bad doing it to him.

Ugh. Anyways this was more venting for me, but feel free to share your insight.
you want punch yen? good luck then.
you don't understand Yennefer is doing what's good for Geralt - she loves Geralt and she prefer to die if Geralt die
she is Geralt's true love - final purpose! pay attention to Geralt's conversations with her:
Geralt wants to live with yen in peace - that's the purpose of Geralt
Well, like I said, I can see that Geralt loves her. The point of this post is to ask why oh why that is so? Since she really gives no reason at all to be lovable.
And even if Yennefer really loves Geralt and cares about him, that doesn't make it ok that she's belittling him every chance she gets and treats everyone like garbage. It really seems like there's nothing to support why Geralt loves her so much.
Albarok: *WARNING* long rant about Yennefer.
From a person who has absolutely no understanding of human nature, and of Yen in particular. Triss is far, far worse: she's underhanded, sly and just as bitchy. She uses Geralt just as much as Yennefer does, only she's all sugary about it.
I just recalled that part in The Witcher 2, when Letho tells Geralt what happened after he got Yennefer back from the Wild Hunt. He said that she was trying to seduce the guys in the group and turn them against each other - even though they were there to help her to honor Geralt and they didn't ask anything from her!

I mean, god damn, what a bitch.
Albarok: *WARNING* long rant about Yennefer.
Hickory: From a person who has absolutely no understanding of human nature, and of Yen in particular. Triss is far, far worse: she's underhanded, sly and just as bitchy. She uses Geralt just as much as Yennefer does, only she's all sugary about it.
I wasn't really trying to draw comparisons between Triss and Yennefer. Triss is far from perfect, but I have to disagree with you about her being worse. Sure she had a lot of secrets, especially in the first game, but she came clean to all of them and she's honestly frank with Geralt in the third game. Her bitchiness was mostly justified by the situation it came in, unlike Yennefer's, which was constant.
You also find her in Novigrad, living in the gutter and risking her life in order to save people (not just magic users) from Radovid, with her gaining nothing for it - which gives her some redeeming qualities in my eyes. She also doesn't treat Geralt with constant disrespect.
I really can't recall Yennefer doing anything not for her own personal agendas.

I mean, you have choices with Triss which are 'help Triss save these guys' or 'help Triss save those guys'. And you have choices with Yennefer which are 'tell her to stop bullying people' or 'just shut up and nod'.
Post edited July 07, 2016 by Albarok
low rated
Hickory: From a person who has absolutely no understanding of human nature, and of Yen in particular. Triss is far, far worse: she's underhanded, sly and just as bitchy. She uses Geralt just as much as Yennefer does, only she's all sugary about it.
Albarok: I wasn't really trying to draw comparisons between Triss and Yennefer. Triss is far from perfect, but I have to disagree with you about her being worse. Sure she had a lot of secrets, especially in the first game, but she came clean to all of them and she's honestly frank with Geralt in the third game. Her bitchiness was mostly justified by the situation it came in, unlike Yennefer's, which was constant.
You also find her in Novigrad, living in the gutter and risking her life in order to save people (not just magic users) from Radovid, with her gaining nothing for it - which gives her some redeeming qualities in my eyes. She also doesn't treat Geralt with constant disrespect.
I really can't recall Yennefer doing anything not for her own personal agendas.
Yennefer is all about family, meaning Ciri and Geralt are EVERYTHING to her. She acts the way she does because she is both powerful woman and sorcerer, and does not suffer fools lightly. She has to be strong, mentally, because she's a sorcerer in a world that despises them. Her arrogance is really a front. Sure, it can be over the top, but that's what happens when you have a very strong person pursuing a goal. I can understand why some people don't like her, but I do. I understand how she ticks.
All these things don't give her any right in my book to act like she owns the world and that everyone's sole purpose in existence is to serve her. BTW, in the books she makes a very big mistake in Thanedd, out of her own hubris, that puts Ciri in an absurd amount of danger (and indirectly leads to the huge scar on Ciri's face), just so she could show off to the other sorceresses.
She also acts the same way years before even meeting Ciri, with her having much lesser goals in life - You can just read The Last Wish, where Geralt politely asks her for help to heal a dying Dandelion, and she outright humiliates and demean him just to get some petty childish revenge on people she dislikes, simply because she has the power to (she also brags about it to Geralt).

Geralt has much more stake in this than her, and he is quite a powerful person himself, but still he's not an asshole. He knows when to be tough and not take shit from people, but he also knows when to be diplomatic and show respect. Yennefer doesn't treat 'fools' badly, she treats *everyone* badly. She acts like an entitled spoiled brat constantly, and no amount of urgency to your goal can justify it in my opinion. Having power doesn't mean you can just piss on everyone. Judging by Geralt's choises in the games/books, he seems to be agreeing with me on that, which just makes it harder for me to understand how he can stand her.
Post edited July 07, 2016 by Albarok
Arguing Triss or Yennifer on a Witcher board is like trying to argue Religion or Politics. It will continue to go around in circles...

...So, Any other Catholic Triss fans who are voting for Trump?!? LOL
This wasn't meant to be a Yennefer vs Triss thread. Geralt can stay single for all I care. I just want someone to explain to me why Geralt is so madly in love with this awful, awful person.
Post edited July 07, 2016 by Albarok
She has a unicorn. 'Nuff said...
Albarok: This wasn't meant to be a Yennefer vs Triss thread. Geralt can stay single for all I care. I just want someone to explain to me why Geralt is so madly in love with this awful, awful person.
Yennefer isn't a (BAD) person - these are type of HER behavior and cannot be changed
that's all
on the other side : Triss has much better behavior but, I prefer Yen - don't know why - Geralt is her reason of living!
like end of the book - when Geralt dies - Yenn dies!
Post edited July 07, 2016 by AvallacHRoche
low rated
Albarok: just want someone to explain to me why Geralt is so madly in love with this awful, awful person.
Because Geralt is not you.