odf001: I skipped the Gwent tutorial and now I don't have the detailed information about gwent when I go to the Tutorial. All I have is the description of a Gwent Deck. I have progressed far in the game and still don't have the tutorial details. How do I get the gwent tutorial added?
olnorton: It is usually added after you play the game for the first time, have you played a game?
You need to press the H key to bring up your deck (before you enter a game) & double click on the cards on the left hand side to move them into your playing hand in order have enough cards to play your first game.
Yes, I have played several games already but don't remember the special abilities of each faction. I don't want to go back to a previous saved game to play the tutorial with the scholar since I already progressed far in the game. I don't want to lose my progress just to get the details of the gwent tutorial. Thanks for trying to help though.
odf001: I skipped the Gwent tutorial and now I don't have the detailed information about gwent when I go to the Tutorial. All I have is the description of a Gwent Deck. I have progressed far in the game and still don't have the tutorial details. How do I get the gwent tutorial added?
olnorton: It is usually added after you play the game for the first time, have you played a game?
You need to press the H key to bring up your deck (before you enter a game) & double click on the cards on the left hand side to move them into your playing hand in order have enough cards to play your first game.
I found a work around. I have an older saved game with the tutorial so I just went back there and got the details. However, my most recent saved game will not have these detailed gwent tutorial but I can live with that since I already know the rules.