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Hello all,

I'll get right to it: my pc is i52500k/asus 960 4gb/ 8 gb ram/ windows 7/ gaming at 1080p.

i set up everything on ultra except hairworks off, grass density on medium, and background characters on low; in-game vsync and frame limiter to 60; full-screen; with these settings i get maybe like 50 fps on the roads outside villages, 40 in the forest and villages and 60 on the beach. Didn't reach Novigrad yet but I imagine it's pretty bad over there.

What irks me is that the aforementioned fps stay the same, regardless of fine tuning the settings. If i switch everything that I have from ultra to high, there is absolutely no fps gain. If i go further to medium there's a very marginal fps increase. If I go all in and put absolutely everything on low, i'll get 60 fps but the game looks terrible. I tried to play with individual settings to see if they give me fps gains/losses, while keeping the rest the same, but none made any difference. Post processing doesn't give any fps gains/losses except for AA obviously, but that one i had it on ssao regardless so can't fine tune with it.

My question is: is it normal for these settings to be that rigid when it comes to fps? In Star wars Battlefront I can put everything on ultra and i get 51 fps, with the game looking absolutely amazing. If I turn down to High, the game will still look very good, but it will give me constant 60 fps (best for multiplayer). I'm not looking for the same performance on the witcher, since I know it's very heavy on requirements, and I have an average GPU, but how come I can't get any additional fps by tuning the settings?

I know it was a long post, sorry for that :P.

Thank you in advance for any insight you can give me.
Post edited January 09, 2016 by Elvedred
Elvedred: in-game vsync and frame limiter to 60
My question is: is it normal for these settings to be that rigid when it comes to fps?
VSync is managing your FPS, trying to match your monitor refresh rate. Try turning it off.
Dit you try to put "foliage distance" on high? It's the heavier setting.

You already have pretty good performance though.
I play 25/30fps (capped at 30) with everything ultra except hairworks (disabled) and foliage distance (high). I tweaked the .ini to push shadow draw distance farther and I used the Nvidia control panel to add antialiasing 8x (I also let the ingame antialisasing on). The game look amazing that way, especially with Depth of field off.
Personal preferences I guess. I have a GTX 760 2GB.
As mentioned above "foliage distance" is apart from hairworks the most taxing.
Nvidia has a pretty good performance guide here.

Aside from that I noticed that in games that use some kind of frame limiter, the fps value tends to drop below it on certain occasions.

Another limiting factor in your case could be your CPU. When I bought a new GPU I noticed a smaller than expected performance increase compared to the last one (I went from a 7870oc 2GB to a 390oc). After overclocking the CPU I unlocked the GPU's full potential ;-)
Thank you for your replies everyone. You might be right about the cpu, since it's from 2011, and I never overclocked it. Might have to buy a new cpu fan if I want to try that though haha.

V-sync, I need to have it on because i get screen tearing without it. I'll try to enable the Nvidia vsync instead, see if it makes a difference.

Finally, the performance is ok for my pc i guess. What made me question it was the fact that playing with the settings didn't seem to net much fps gains or drops.
Another thing I would like to mention is that all "Post Processing" settings do not affect your fps significantly.

@Overclocking: It's actually very easy and worth to try imho.