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Hey guys :)

Few days ago IVe installed Witcher3 again and I saw a few ugly bugs :( the windmill in white orchard is just a brown triangl and its the same brown graphic-bug at the fountain in the empty village (quest with the dead wife in the fountain).
so do you guys now if CdPr. is working on a hotfix? and am I the onlyone whith those problems?

ps: Ive tried to remove it from the harddrive an reinstall it on an ssd but still the same issue :(
Hey I have the same Problem. And the blood and wine dlc just came out. The game has black boxes and black polygons at some points. (e.g. the windmills and some fountains) Can you fix this gog?

Forgot to say that

-I have the latest update (Date is 02 June 2016)
- my Graphicscard driver is up to date
- as well as my Windows 7
- I turned my firewall to gamemode and all other virusprog. off
- I tried to set the graphics on low, fullscreen windows etc. shadows low etc.

- I am running on Windows 7 Ultimate (Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601) x64
- Intel Core i7- 3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
- AMD Radeon HD 6900 Series
You say you have the latest update - do you mean for all of the Witcher 3 components?

The patch, DLC package, and HoS must all be updated to the latest (1.21) versions.

Seems to be several folks here that have had graphical issues when not all components of the game were updated...
Peetz: You say you have the latest update - do you mean for all of the Witcher 3 components?

The patch, DLC package, and HoS must all be updated to the latest (1.21) versions.

Seems to be several folks here that have had graphical issues when not all components of the game were updated...
This bug is an old bug. I informed GoG in MARCH 2016 about it. First time I saw it in release 1.12. (Releas 1.11 was not available at this time) There are not only houses destroied. also the ship of the temerian king too. So the game story can not be followed up correctly. This bug(s) are first time in realse 1.12 !

As I startet witcher 3 befor a few days, I hopped that this bugs were corrected.

I am NOT amused because Project Red had enough time to repair release 1.12.
Peetz: You say you have the latest update - do you mean for all of the Witcher 3 components?

The patch, DLC package, and HoS must all be updated to the latest (1.21) versions.

Seems to be several folks here that have had graphical issues when not all components of the game were updated...
gerald1220: This bug is an old bug. I informed GoG in MARCH 2016 about it. First time I saw it in release 1.12. (Releas 1.11 was not available at this time) There are not only houses destroied. also the ship of the temerian king too. So the game story can not be followed up correctly. This bug(s) are first time in realse 1.12 !

As I startet witcher 3 befor a few days, I hopped that this bugs were corrected.

I am NOT amused because Project Red had enough time to repair release 1.12.
It's easy to say that this is a bug. It cannot be, because I - among millions of others - are running the game without issue.

You need to check your computer hardware, installation or configuration. Something is not proper on your end. If it were a bug - then 100% of the people who bought the game would be affected.
I too am experiencing game immersion breaking graphical bugs in the game.

The original game worked perfectly fine on my AMD Radeon 7850 with a reduced framerate, no graphic screwups, at least none specific to my hardware. Any graphic problems that happened with the original game between May-August 2015 or so were game modeling/scripting/whatever bugs that mostly got fixed in later patches, like heads floating around bodies, people's bodies floating without movement, etc. But there were no texturing bugs or other things I'd consider game rendering or video driver graphics bugs.

When I installed Hearts of Stone a few months back under the GOG Agents program, I noticed the windmill's blades were graphically screwed up as if the models had incorrect vertices for some points, and the textures on them were all screwed up too. I might have spent up to an hour or two since then wandering around the game and noticed some parts of buildings and other objects in the game have fucked up vertices that cause horrid looking messed up graphics. The objects no longer look like what they are, but a convoluted 3D model that is all messed up. Sometimes it is just a portion of the exterior of a building or similar, and there are areas in the outdoors which show the ground or rocks or things jutting from the ground or landscape which are off kilter with misplaced vertices, or with missing textures causing it to just show up all black or shades of grey. Geralt can walk right into some of these things as if he is inside a rock with screwed up graphics or similar. It kind of reminds me of how screwd up Skyrim was in the mountainous areas where you could fall inside a mountain here and there or see behind the rock surface, see things floating above ground etc.

While it is true that technically my video card is below the minimum specifications which are for a Radeon 7870, the 7850 is technically identical for all intents and purposes and just a slightly slower card than the 7850, and it ran the game flawlessly since it came out so this is either a regression in the game itself with newer patches, or a regression in AMD's video drivers. I can not be certain of which is the case at the moment. Either way, it is a massive disappointment for this mind blowingly awesome game.

As it stands right now, the graphic screwups are so bad that while it does not prevent playing the game, it prevents me from wanting to play the game because they are terrible looking and immersion breaking. It is a great disservice to this amazing game to have such horrid graphical glitches show up this far into its lifespan. I updated to the current release when Blood and Wine came out and the problem did not resolve either. I have zero mods installed and did not have any installed in the game since it was originally installed, so this is not a problem caused by game mods.

When I'm able to do so, I'm going to start taking screenshots and/or screencasts of the broken graphics to post somewhere. Also I may try downgrading the video drivers back to last November or so to see if it is a driver induced problem.

Very very frustrating.
Peetz: It's easy to say that this is a bug. It cannot be, because I - among millions of others - are running the game without issue.

You need to check your computer hardware, installation or configuration. Something is not proper on your end. If it were a bug - then 100% of the people who bought the game would be affected.
That is simply not true. It is entirely possible for a game to experience bugs on one person's system and not another due to differences in hardware and the game taking different paths in rendering on the hardware. Additionally since there are a multitude of options available for the user to configure, a bug seen by someone may depend on the specfic range of options they have configured. It can also depend on what video driver options/overrides may be configured and many other variables.

People like to try to make out bugs as all or nothing, like they either happen for everyone out there or nobody at all - and someone claiming they're experiencing a bug while someone else doesn't experience it means they're lying or they created the problem or something. In reality, software and hardware is extremely more complex than that and it is commonplace that individual users or groups of users can experience bugs in games that multitudes of others do not experience, and it can in fact be a bug in the given game regardless. It could also potentially be a video driver bug, or a user caused issue of some sort, but to draw that conclusion ahead of time without any basis of reliable diagnostics proving it to be the case is simply blind sweeping a person's issue under the table with bias.

It's a game of hot-potato "blame the user" and not particularly helpful to anyone.
Post edited June 03, 2016 by skeletonbow
Where I see your frustration, I cannot accept that what you are suffering is a coding bug. Otherwise everyone would be suffering from it.

Are there graphical glitches? Sure - but all I have seen are very minor ones - which tells me that something is not right with your setup if you are having the kind of graphics problems that you describe. You need to look at your hardware or drivers for the solution.
Peetz: Where I see your frustration, I cannot accept that what you are suffering is a coding bug. Otherwise everyone would be suffering from it.

Are there graphical glitches? Sure - but all I have seen are very minor ones - which tells me that something is not right with your setup if you are having the kind of graphics problems that you describe. You need to look at your hardware or drivers for the solution.
As stated above, that is not true. Coding bugs do not necessarily affect everyone if the path that the bug is triggered and necessary conditions (such as personally chosen configuration options, choices made in the game itself, etc.) to trigger it - are not triggered by a given user. If someone is not a software developer themselves, then this concept may be difficult to swallow.
One would think that a software developer would be smart enough to figure out the issue.
I had such graphical glitches too. I did the "Repair" thing through GOG galaxy and it said I need to update my VIsual C++ installation.
I updated it and haven' t had any more graphical glitches since then so I suggest you try that.
Happens all the time: reading of all those so called "bugs" of W3 (any episode), I am wondering what kind of special ingredients my machine actually has:

i7 - 2600K at 3.4 GHz
GTX 960, the one with 4GB RAM
Game on an external drive.

- Graphical "bugs" (with a mix of high and ultra settings of the game) - none so far
- "bugs" of the non graphical kind (plot, ladders, non playable quest lines, etc.) - none so far.

Again - mediocre machine, nothing boosted or the like.

At times I had almost felt left out - lots of folks are complaining, rambling about things that I could not even think about :).

Think it really depends what you actually feed into your machines. From mods (perhaps outdated) to software that still is in beta phase (and seemingly not cared for) like Galaxy - not counting the many other ways that a system can play havock if only slightly mistreated...

No doubt, W3 IS demanding, but if a machine like mine can run the game flawlessly, there must be another reason for subpar performance.
No use blaming the devs, I think.
I have the same issues since v1.21 and still persist on v1.22:
Missing tail and half mane from roach, missing textures or meshes from environments and buildings
which stops us from playing further the game, also there are many graphical glitches on caves and buildings.

After the fifth repair/verify while on v1.22, GOG run Microsoft Visual CC+ 2012 to reinstall,
after the graphical issues from witcher 3 are gone!
That was very weird, how can witcher 3 had those issues while M V CC + 2012 32/64 bit
were already installed and all other games had not a single issue?
And why did the repair/verify give the M V CC + 2012 on the first run with patch v1.22 on?
I don't know what exactly was the problem but now the game works great again,
except roach's tail and half mane!
Post edited June 25, 2016 by haldir307
Hey guys, I uninstalled the game due to needing disk space for beta testing. Yesterday I downloaded the newest patches and reinstalled the game in this order:

- Exit Galaxy completely (so it doesn't detect and try to update the game once it is installed BEFORE you get a chance to install the patches)
- Standalone game installer 1.10
- Patch from 1.10 -> 1.22 (gog-45)
- Free DLC pack 1.22 (gog-45)
- Hearts of Stone DLC (gog-45)
- Blood and Wine (gog-45)
- Start Galaxy -> Scan Folders
- Let Galaxy verify the installation and sync

As long as your download drive has enough space on it, the verify+sync should work with minimal downloading, not sure how much but it is very minimal as long as you installed all of the above. One caveat is that Galaxy has a bug in it whereby it can not detect installed DLC unless it installed it itself, so if you go into Galaxy's settings page for the game, it will show 4 DLC as not installed even though they very much installed and working.

Start the game and it should load fine.

I have walked around, visited windmills, buildings and other areas that previously showed graphics corruption and so far I have not discovered any graphics corruption issues. It is a huge game so I can't be certain there aren't any, but I have not seen any of them yet, and I have done a couple of Hearts of Stone quests and a few hours of roaming around without fast travel.

I can't be certain of whether the latest game installers+patches have resolved the glitches, or if somehow the previous installation was corrupted somehow or incorrectly installed but so far, the problems I experienced appear to be fixed now. Since many many others seem to have experienced the exact same issues and shown up in GOG forums, CDPR forums and elsewhere to voice it, I thought I'd share what solution seems to have worked for me. If anyone else reinstalls as I suggest above, make absolutely sure you have the 100% newest files for every single file you install, then post your results after you've visited a windmill and a few towns without seeing any graphics corruption.

Hopefully it resolves the issues for you as well. Best game ever made is back in service!
Never liked galaxy as it is trying hard to be like Steam.

I used the old stable gog downloader and haven't found any graphical errors too.

I hope GOG doesn't delete the gog downloader links as I fine them more stable and not prone to corruption.