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micktiegs_8: That seems really dumb, especially if we own everything that the GOTY apparently gives new buyers to start off with. Why is it so hard to simply change our game to GOTY, exactly?
MarkoH01: I asked them the exact same thing on their Facebook and they promised to find that out and tell me. They also were a bit srprised and suggested a technical problem.
One wild suggestion I have is that the 'old' version's save files aren't compatible with GOTY's. This is the case with the console game apparently, and if people buy the GOTY physical game and try to use their old game's file on it, it doesn't work. It's registered as a different product and that makes all the difference :\

edit to argue with myself:
Luckily, Momot went on in a later post to confirm that those of us playing The Witcher 3 on PC will be able to use our old saves. He also points out that since the GOTY edition doesn't include any new content, anyone who owns the base game already should "consider buying the Season Pass, as it will be the more economical option. Content-wise, you will have the same stuff as the person who will have purchased the GOTY edition. Of course, if you really want to support us, we will not mind if you get another copy of The Witcher 3 in the form of the GOTY Edition. Thank you in advance for your generosity."

Lol at the 'if you really want to support us' line...
Post edited September 04, 2016 by micktiegs_8
skeletonbow: .....much (deserved) praise for CDPR and GOG shortened here ;)

Being happy with what I already have, I have never expected them to give me anything else new for free, any new DLC or other content, bonus goodies or other stuff, they have long ago given me more than my money's worth in entertainment and satisfaction. I don't feel they owe me anything more other than perhaps continuing to patch any bugs in the game that they can etc. I have no sense of entitlement about receiving anything more than what I already paid for and have been happy with all this time.
I don't WANT anything for free. I already HAVE anything they sold - apart from a new installer which woulld lead to no additional costs for THEM.

skeletonbow: The GOTY release I see as being really nothing more than what I already have. I know others see it differently and that's ok, I respect that, but still I do not really see it as anything substantially different or noteworthy.
The diiference is clearly stated in the posts above: The GOTY release is one standalone installer while the single packs are at least three installers (DLC16 package not included). You see, it is not much that we (or at least I) want.

skeletonbow: I don't feel that CDPR nor GOG owe me a free copy of the game, a free upgrade or anything else, nor do I personally consider it to even be an upgrade. I can see how some people may feel the single installer is a big deal and they want it and I also respect that wish too. I don't personally mind the various individual installers myself because it is not like someone sits down every day of the week and reinstalls the game then uninstalls it an hour later and reinstalls it again 2 hours after that. For the most part, I'm going to install the game once, play it all the way through and never even see the installer again likely or at least not very often, so while it could be an inconvenience to have to run several installers, it is not a big deal to me perosnally.
At the moment we are talking about 10 or so installers which is more than user unfriendly and I think we both agree here. For the future they have promised us three installers which is better but why don't simply give us (the users whi already paid for everything they have offered regarding W3) a key for the GOTY release. This would cost them absolutely nothing but give those who already bought everything the possibility to chose if they want three or one installers. It's not hard to find out who purchased what.

skeletonbow: If they magically supplied a single standalone installer to existing owners I wouldn't balk at them for it and I might even bother to download the massive file and use it perhaps, but since it is something that would be used only a very few times in the game's lifespan for me it wouldn't make me jump for joy to have such, and I wont pout or throw a fit to not have it either. My happiness of the game is not dependent on getting new stuff or feeling I'm owed it for any reason.
It's not that "we" cannot live without the single installer version. It's just not understandable why they refuse to offer it to us (again speaking of people who bought base and expansion) the possibility. It simply does not make ANY sense- ewspecially given how open to suggestions they usually are.

skeletonbow: Now please don't bite my head off. :)
Forcing me to read that wall of text could be a reason for wanting to do so ;) ... but no. Like you I also respect different opinions. :)
Post edited September 04, 2016 by MarkoH01
One thing I'm curious about is what the difference is between 1.31 and 1.30, where the changelog for it is, and when it'll be released for the standalone game etc. Not that I need it right now or anything, I'm merely curious.
For those who bought the game and the DLC when they cam out feeling a bit hard done by, well, it's happening all over the place!

I was a gamer before Steam, and bought 2--3 games a month from my local Electronic Boutique, etc. Now I am finding because I bought the Bioshock games at retail, I won't get the free DLC or graphically upgraded versions because I don't own them on Steam.

Same goes with Divinity Original Sin, Pillars of Eternity, Wasteland 2 and many more.

As a retail game purchaser, I feel like a second class gamer! And yet without our money buying games like The Witcher 1 in our local store when they were first released, many of these publishers, like CD Projekt RED, wouldn't exist!
UK_John: For those who bought the game and the DLC when they cam out feeling a bit hard done by, well, it's happening all over the place!

I was a gamer before Steam, and bought 2--3 games a month from my local Electronic Boutique, etc. Now I am finding because I bought the Bioshock games at retail, I won't get the free DLC or graphically upgraded versions because I don't own them on Steam.
Not true. You can write an e-mail to 2K (all they want is a photo of your CD and the case - they are answering very fast) because of Bioshock 1 and the retail code from Bioshock 2 can be entered into steam to get a steam copy. So you are ready for the awaited update.

UK_John: For those who bought the game and the DLC when they cam out feeling a bit hard done by, well, it's happening all over the place!

I was a gamer before Steam, and bought 2--3 games a month from my local Electronic Boutique, etc. Now I am finding because I bought the Bioshock games at retail, I won't get the free DLC or graphically upgraded versions because I don't own them on Steam.
MarkoH01: Not true. You can write an e-mail to 2K (all they want is a photo of your CD and the case - they are answering very fast) because of Bioshock 1 and the retail code from Bioshock 2 can be entered into steam to get a steam copy. So you are ready for the awaited update.
I'll check into this. If it's true it's a hassle, but better than nothing!
MarkoH01: I asked them the exact same thing on their Facebook and they promised to find that out and tell me. They also were a bit srprised and suggested a technical problem.
Ahah , technical problem..... >_>

there're three possbilities :

changing the name in the library (ie : Divinity: Original SIn -> Divinity Original Sin Classic) , enhanced edition added free of charge.

changing the name , moving the original version in the goodies section -> (ie Ether One -> Ether One Redux) Redux version added free of charge (probably not a good idea for W3)

keeping the same name & adding the goty edtion (ie : The Vanishing of Ethan Carter -> The Vanishing of Ethan Carter Redux , again was free of charge

The initial answer (from CDProjekt) doesn't have any sense considering what i described , except to get more money for those who doesn't have already the game (it's just a marketing stunt). Especially when you get such answer ; "it's not possible to give you a GOTY version for free" , LOL. (you already have everything, so where's the problem ?), But looking in my library it would take 2 screenshots to get everything listed) -> It's just a matter of convenience (actually i counted 11 installers (i counted the optional localized language files)for installing everything, that's just horrible)), and the client is Optional.

Sure i'm gonna buy an extra GOTY version , for supporting them, lol; buying any game on GOG is already supporting them since a big chunk of the money goes to CDProjekt.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by DyNaer
gooddegenerate: Also, apparently in v1.31 the main menu changes between the original menu, Hearts of Stone, and Blood & Wine randomly.

I've yet to see this happen in v1.30.
I'd really want that, it's a neat idea. We don't even have single 1.30 installers for our stuff yet.

Why they chose to slap early purchaser in the face like that is beyond me, as I'm normally a pretty big fan and supporter of GOG.

But let's be honest: If we really want the 1.31 installers, we will find them somewhere... and ethically I see little reason to not help myself here as I paid full game + expansion pass prices...

Edit: Yes, I already found 1.31. t's also obviously a fair bit smaller than the separate installer patch mess I currently keep on my backup disks.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by RSColonel_131st
Since they still did not come back to me on facebook (even though they promised) to explain the "why" to me, I guess I will have to remind them...
So, I just checked 1.31 quickly.

Yes, the menu animations switch around randomly between the three which is pretty neat, and there are no longer separate "DLC" options (Triss, Ciri, Yen alternate outifts and Balad Hero deck) but they are now under Gameplay.

Other than that of course it appears straight like the merged 1.30 base + DLC.

Why in hell they can't give us these ten files (one setup, nine binaries) instead of the convoluted mess we have right now because we acted as long-time supporters, it's beyond me to understand.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by RSColonel_131st
Agreed, well said. Not sure if you're aware of this or if you can help me with my current issue - I just tried updating from 1.24 to 1.30 and it;s listing the update size as 36GB, you read that correctly, 36GB. I have been using GOG Galaxy ever since launch, except for when I manually installed from disc that came with my C.E. edition. I've never had any problems with Galaxy, certainly nothing like this.

I also have it set to manual update, that way I could evaluate any new patches in case of conflicts, bugs, mods breaking etc.
So, if you have any idea what may be causing this and.or if you have a fix I'd appreciate any help you could give. Thanks in advance.
Post edited September 06, 2016 by Fallout_Wanderer
Ha... my fresh install download size was 72gb.
it's really ludicrous that they won't just upgrade everybody who already bought the game and both expansions

it should be trivially easy to do and doesn't cost them sales, while not doing it is annoying a bunch of loyal customers

i just don't understand why they haven't done it
The current state of GOG Witcher 3 is indeed a mess. Why can't they just release the full game, one installer and all of its contents to those who bought the game from day one?

Also I don't use the galaxy client for reasons that my gaming pc is permanently disconnected from the internet. GOG began as a no client nonsense but is now shifting to client based distribution.

I will not be surprised one day if the gog downloader links are removed. For me this is the best alternative to download games from one computer then move to another.