DSmall417: So after a 14+ hour nightmare after installing patch 1.07 & having to download the game a further 3 times, this game has gone from a 99% perfect masterpiece of a game to a 50% ok game. Once I finally got the game reinstalled, it's become very choppy, slow, it times out during loading screens and most recently crashed my entire computer. WTF is going on CDPR? You said in an article that you didn't want to announce the release date for the patch in case something happened and the gamers started calling you incompetent. Though I appreciate the sentiment, I think the incompetency comes, not from neglecting to provide a release date, but for releasing an extremely flawed and game ruining patch. Before the update, the worst thing that happened was the game turned off after hours of playing. Now I can't hardly play at all with the pisspoor performance hit. Please CDPR, patch the patch. You ruined what would have easily been the GOTY or even GOTD, but now this game shall stay dormant while I play other GOTY competitors until you can sort this shite out. I'm hoping you do it quick, because I really do/did love this game until you "fixed" it, & I'm not even experiencing everything many other people are. You have taken all the fun out of this game. If I didn't pay near half price for this game, I'd be upset rather than disappointed. Right now I'm just sad that this epic game has become epic shite.

StevenV1992: Rollback to 1.06 if you can, I've had a performance hit myself, but "a 99% perfect masterpiece" to "50% okay game" over technical issues is a strange way to score.
Personally its tied for me with Bloodborne, which had framerate and loading issues.
I can understand your questioning of my rating and here is how I justify it..... Before the patch, my game ran flawlessly on ultra settings, with the grass density on High and the worst thing that happened was a rare crash after many hours of play. Given how awesome the graphics are and the phenomenal voice acting and all round excellent game play, I gave it a 99%, with the 1% being, in part, my lack of willingness to give anything a 100% rating plus the rare crash. Since the patch, my game crashes frequently, there is a ton of stutter, the load screens take minutes now vs seconds and the last time I played, it brought down my entire rig. This makes the game almost unplayable. Given that I can't really enjoy playing the game anymore, I would have dropped my rating far lower except I know this game still has potential to be fixed & at that time, I'll go back to 99%, but right now it's just a pretty looking game if I don't move much and can handle constantly restarting the game or my computer to keep playing.
Urukrama: Well downloaded the patch this morning and all went fine. No 14+hrs and reinstalling 3 times.
Installed the patch. Got a warning settings were back to default.
Checked my settings started the game and got no issues so far.
So far so good.
Congratulations and I hope you don't have these issues. This is an excellent game and I want to pour hundreds of hours into it, but until the bugs get worked out for my system, it'll be a frustrating go at it. I keep telling myself to set it aside, but I am also drawn into the story and I want to finish it. I am very tempted to try to play again tonight, but I just fear the problems will persist and throw me into a fit of rage.