Hickory: What gave you that impression? Nowhere does it state that you will get all soundtracks, but it *does* state that what you get is GOG exclusive. There is a huge difference.
invenio: It says "soundtrack (35 tracks, FLAC)" in the official listing page (
http://www.gog.com/game/the_witcher_3_wild_hunt ). It doesn't say partial, limited, or exclusive.... just that it comes with the soundtrack. Wouldn't one presume that you would get the FULL soundtrack if a game says "soundtrack" as one of the bonuses?
Actually, it does. It says:
"soundtrack (35 tracks, MP3)"
"soundtrack (35 tracks, FLAC)"
"BONUS: Extended soundtrack with 4 bonus tracks"
It also says, in the downloads section:
"soundtrack - exclusive tracks (MP3)"
"soundtrack - exclusive tracks (FLAC)"
Nowhere does it say, or intimate, that the whole, complete soundtrack is included.