passionata: I am still not comfortable with how things are at the moment. I have re-installed TW3 while not having Galaxy (or the left over services upon uninstallation) on my PC.
passionata: Definition of DRM:
"The protected files will not play on computers that have not been authorized"
What is witcher3.exe trying to accomplish by contacting a remoteserver using a component which I didn't opt-in to use?
The first thought which came to mind:
It is DRM!
What if it is not DRM?
It is what Galaxy is supposed to be: a community tool, with achievement stuff, friend list and so on. For that functionality, online connections are needed.
If the "authorized" part came in anywhere, when would that license activation/key entry have been? It can't be DRM; it neither registers you, nor does it stop to work if you block the connection. Worst case it could be "spying".
passionata: What if they are not using syslog on UDP but another service?
This would be a violation of certain RFC...(not as serious as Skype by grabbing 80 and 443 to operate through firewalls but still...)
(Just the IETF perspective here: we don't like it, but the RFCs are not legal norms, they are technical standards, and especially some of the Big Players ignore them all the time. So not that much of a big deal.)
passionata: All of these possibilities reek from the head (at least in my book) and come unexpected as I always had high regards for Gog and CDPR because they always were quite upfront with what they are doing...
I see where your concerns are coming from, and I too am unhappy with what I think is a messy dependency on their new Galaxy service.
However, you will find that in several areas of the game, there are parts that haven't achieved a clean state. Not exactly a rush release, but not a well-polished either. Many players are hoping, some waiting (without playing) for the patches that will fix these issues.
I do think what you encounter there is not result of bad intent, but result of an less-than-perfect Galaxy service integration. It's worth filing a bug report issue over, and actively asking GOG=>CDPR to fix this, so there is a version completely without Galaxy.
After all, that's part of the Galaxy plan: Never required.