DocDoomII: Q: How do you determine if a game or software is Launcher-free on Steam?
'A:' Simple: install the game or software and run the first time instillation (this step is important as this finalizes the installation). Shut down Steam and temporarily move all the files in the root Steam folder somewhere else. Locate game folder, find the program launcher .exe and run it. Either you get an error (or if your computer crashes) . If the game runs fine and steam is not started the game is steam works DRM free.
You are correct...two recent games, PoE & Witcher 3, are sold DRM-free on Steam--meaning Steam does not have to be running in order to play the games (does not have to be in offline mode, either) and that the games will run from any location, can be backed up to disk, etc. Most Steam games do force some DRM on the user, however--but some don't--and these two games do not (Thanks to CDPR & Obsidian.)
There are apparently, however, some people who confuse a clear benefit of Steam/Gog with "DRM"--and that benefit is that once you own the game it stays forever in the Steam or GOG library and you can download it and install it whenever you wish--so if you lose your disk copies for some reason (natural disaster, fire, etc.) you can always re-download them and install them later from either Steam or GOG, depending on where you bought the game. That's the whole idea--aside from immediate availability of the software via the Internet.
When games are patched the usual procedure is that you obtain patches from the purchase source, as game developers no longer place game patches on their game sites for download by the public. I think the only way someone might call that "DRM" is if they're miffed that it makes it a bit more difficult/less rewarding to pirate...
As far as I'm concerned, if the game allows you to physically move the files anywhere and run it and the game will run by itself without any online requirement whatsoever, it is DRM-free...
Adding a game that isn't in your Steam library to Steam does not add the game to your Steam library--it only lets you *run* the game from your Steam library page... You cannot update it or re-download it from Steam if you did not buy it through Steam--that's not DRM of any kind--that's just common sense...;) (IE, if you buy a game from Origin, or GOG, what would ever make you think you should be able to download it from Steam, etc.?)
BTW, Hah-ha...BTW, the guy who so unwisely wrote below that I didn't know what I was talking is 100% wrong, in case you wondering...;) (Where do these people come from? Does he really think I would have written what I wrote without testing it myself, thoroughly? Sheeesh.)
Not only have I turned Steam completely off and run these two games without a problem, but I even copied the entire game directories and moved them outside of the Steam directory structure & they run fine from there, too--no Steam required. Sometimes people can be their own worst enemies...;)