SoullessHunter: Says the idiot who does nothing, except spamming my thread with his stupid comments. Pretends to be so wise, but actually is very dumb!
Go cry somewhere else useless fanboy and get used to that not everybody is going to praise your favorite game!!
Hickory: First, you have absolutely no idea what the word 'spam' means. Second, I'm not the person talking like a seven year old here, that's you (now who's dumb?) Third, I'm also not the one who's in this forum "crying", again, that is you. If you actually stopped and read your idiotic posts -- and I mean read and digest -- in this thread you would/should be ashamed of yourself for acting like a schoolchild on a tantrum spree. Don't call *me* dumb, that just make you look like you've got no other ammunition.
Your IQ is so very low, because you don't understand words go cry somwhere else, which are written in your first language!!
No, I just said why I think it's technical side is bad and you cry all over my thread that I'm not praising this game!
Look on yourself little child! You're crying just because somebody like me didn't praised your favorite game!
Just explain why you don't like something in game and fanboys like you will be crying stupid thread and other garbage because they have nothing better to say!
Someone from racist country won't tell me what to do!
SoullessHunter: Boo hoo hoo! Fanboys are crying! Go cry somewhere else useless fanboys! I didn't praised your favorite game from technical side, explained why and now you cry all over my post because of it! Babies! Get used to that not everybody's going to praise game! Yeah, it has good story, soundtrack etc, but it's technical side is sh*t!
Hickory: Grow up. Just... grow up.
Grow up yourself little fanboy and get used to critique which will be written about your favorite things!