I'm waiting for this, too. I find it a bit funny to see the GOTY for 29,99€ and the Expansion Pass for 24,99€.
I am waiting for a year now for a discount; but nothing. The only discount I see is 25% for each DLC, what is OK but given the 40% off of the GOTY makes me wonder what kind of price policy this is. It just makes no sense.
I was really thinking about buying the seperate DLC's (one up front to make use of the 1€ discount for next purchase, so I would spend like 21,49) but then again, I'm sure if I buy it, some days later the price will change and I will have a really bad feeling about the purchase. That's why I'm not buying it now and I guess I'm not alone.
So long.
Post edited December 07, 2016 by lowl1fe