johndup: I downloaded the latest up-to-date files from Nexusmods and extracted them to the x64 folder within the game, and made sure they were not blocked. I also installed the Microsoft Visual C++ 2013. When I start the game and hit either the ~ or F2 key, nothing happens, as if the files weren't even there.
Thanks! I've also tried that one .... doesn't work.
mepe_ruse: If you have been messing around with game files trying to get the mod to work it's probably a good idea to reinstall the Witcher 3 & then installing the v1.06 debug console mod. If the mod still doesn't work after that try the fixes posted on the mods description
There is no need to fool with any of those debug mods. If you follow the steps I am about to explain, then you will not now, nor ever need a debug console mod to enable the console. This method is safer, and much more game-friendly, anyway...than putting dll files in your game folder:
Go to MY DOCUMENTS, and open the witcher 3 folder there. This folder is just a place to store user settings, etc. Anyway, in this folder, open the "user" text file and do the following things: (type exactly as indicated)
1. If [General] is not there, then Type [General] at the very top.
2.under that type ConfigVersion=2
3. under that type DBGConsole=true
4. Now select save as....and give the file any name you want (other than "user")
5. Delete the text file file named "user"
6.Rename the file you just saved in step no. 4 this user.settings
That is enjoy the console.
P.S. if you have the debug folder and the dsound dll already in your The Witcher 3\\64\bin might be a good idea to delete those files as the mod did not work for you anyway.