Posted May 19, 2015
To use the GOG downloader, simply go to your library, select Witcher 3 and then select the "more" option button, there you will see "view download links"
The other way is when you are in your library and see all the files you can just click on a file yourself but this will not use the GOGdownloader so you should use your own download manager there if the files are large. I love the GOG downloader and will continue to use that while it it there and then I guess I'll have to use my own download manager.
Get the file that way and it will use the tried, tested and true GOG downloader.
Give that a shot :)
Hope it works. :)
Oh one thing with the GoG downloader, it will download all the installer so if you only wanted say part 2 you need to manually download that with a download mamanger. the GOG downloader would do the entire installer.