Okay, I kinda take it back. It's a problem for me. I've had to stop playing a few times, as it reached the point where on more than one occasion, I even subconsciously used the mouse wheel to zoom out. I find it really oppressive. Either be third person or first person. In between is terrible. The amount of space Geralt takes up in frame is dreadful.
And yes, the FOV as well. But also, can't look down? The zoom *in* for Witcher sense, making it even worse. Auto levelling off of where I'm looking, including ladders and swimming, but that may be turnoffable. Only being able to loot where I'm facing, not where I'm looking. Okay, I may be just listing more general issues now.
james5272: Considering Witcher 2 had a narrow FOV, people complained about it constantly, and CDPR never got around to correcting it, and now they released Witcher 3 with the same FOV issues and no slider...
I wouldn't be expecting a fix.
I wasn't aware of that going on at the time. That doesn't fill me with hope :o(