Cavenagh: Don't install this update, I went to and had second thoughts, when I clicked on exit, it didn't, but it carried on, I clicked on decline, and it carried on.
do a malwarebytes scan, see attached pic.
I'll wait for an offical fix, I might have to re-install TW3 now £$%L£$%£%£%
@steaveg what an idiot posting malware link, obviously you didn't check out the file yourself, did you, your system must be riddled with trojans/malware/spyware...
next time check out the integrity of a file / link before posting it.
[edit] this didn't update anything in the witcher [thank god] getting old, didn't noticed the *.rar.exe extension
this is the link /
*** do not download *** yorktown1983: im 99% sure the link is not malicious (i actually havent gotten around to trying the fix itself but i trust that it works based on the other reports). the problem is the crappy site where its hosted. make sure you don't download using any bogus accelerator or anything, you just want the raw files.
just bci want to rant a little more (but ill keep it at a minimum this time) the fact it took someone with a steam version to manually upload this for GoG users, & then someone else sharing that information here for us to even know about it...unbelievable. and still no response from anyone at CDPR.
Thanks for the defense. Haven't been called an "idiot" for some time. It's probably worth noting that Malwarebytes shows infections you have on your system, not infections contained within a file or file archive. In other words, the screenshot provided only shows that Cavenaugh has malware on his computer, not that there is malware in the files (there isn't) or that the site gave him an infection.
Here is the flaw in the logic of calling me an "idiot": 1) I downloaded this (demonstrably uninfected) file. 2) Malwarebytes shows I have malware. 3)This file gave me an infection(incorrect) 4)steaveg is an idiot(probably incorrect, self-appellations notwithstanding).
I was merely re-posting a link found on the CDPR forums. My real-time scanner showed no attack from the download site and my antivirus showed no infection in the file. Let me state again for clarity, there are no infections (or even executable code/script) in the file. It stinks that you got attacked by Malware from somewhere; happens all of the time, unfortuantely. Protect yourself when browsing the Interwebs, kids. Malwarebytes offers a paid real-time scanner as an option as do a lot of other companies.
And as yorktown1983 points out, the bigger issue is why these file exist in Steam but not for us. I got a reply from GOG support that said, in essence, "you're wrong. Goodbye."
It's possible that GOG could just have an inferior patching process, but it is my understanding that other users tried uninstalling/reinstalling the DLC within the GOG app. I did not try this personally b/c the files from the link fixed my problem.