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Hickory: Because they achieve nothing ... They serve no purpose whatsoever.
Fenixp: As opposed to your positive attitude which makes the forum a better place?
What was the point of that, Mr. Forum Monitor?
Hickory: Mr. Forum Monitor?
Hickory: Stop spreading rumours.
Take note of how many people get stuck in constant angry back and forths with you. Your influence is far more harmful to many threads (like this one, which is now derailed - very common theme with you) than spreading what appears to be sourced gaming news in a topic called "Any news on Blood and Wine". I'm never quite sure whether you're trolling, venting or just genuinely not capable of any self-reflection, but it's something you might think about. All right, I'm out, I'm sure you have some clever rebuttal all ready.
Fenixp: All right, I'm out, I'm sure you have some clever rebuttal all ready.
Nice. Preconceptions duly noted.
I was trying to be civil, Hickory, but for a moment I forgot how defensive you can get when people offend your sensibilities and sense of duty as constable of the GOG forums.

You can call it a double standard; I was merely making a couple of observations that I still maintain after your retort, which are: (1) you have posted a lot of helpful information and have been an asset to these forums on many occasions, and (2) on many other occasions, you have been downright insufferable with needlessly bitter remarks, petty and pointless attacks on forum users' grammar, and the worst offense--which is exactly what's happening here--censorship.

This is a forum for discussion and, dare I say it, speculation on all aspects of the game, which to me includes potential release dates. I, for one, have fun speculating about when the expansion will come out, and during a period when we're not getting any new official information about the expansion, I see no issue with anyone commenting on a piece of information--whether accurate or not--that was found on the web and introducing it into these forums for discussion, especially in the manner that we saw here.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to constantly patrol these forums and abrasively dictate what should and should not be posted. Are you protecting us sheep that you feel will take every post at face value? Is it something else?
EvanTheJet: I was trying to be civil, Hickory, but for a moment I forgot how defensive you can get when people offend your sensibilities and sense of duty as constable of the GOG forums.

You can call it a double standard; I was merely making a couple of observations that I still maintain after your retort, which are: (1) you have posted a lot of helpful information and have been an asset to these forums on many occasions, and (2) on many other occasions, you have been downright insufferable with needlessly bitter remarks, petty and pointless attacks on forum users' grammar, and the worst offense--which is exactly what's happening here--censorship.

This is a forum for discussion and, dare I say it, speculation on all aspects of the game, which to me includes potential release dates. I, for one, have fun speculating about when the expansion will come out, and during a period when we're not getting any new official information about the expansion, I see no issue with anyone commenting on a piece of information--whether accurate or not--that was found on the web and introducing it into these forums for discussion, especially in the manner that we saw here.

I'm not sure why you feel the need to constantly patrol these forums and abrasively dictate what should and should not be posted. Are you protecting us sheep that you feel will take every post at face value? Is it something else?
Isn't it funny that the two people who interjected with forum patrol mentality and personal attacks are the very same people accusing *me* of doing that, when in fact all I did was to point out that a person was rumour mongering via very dodgy data source. Try to dodge the issue all you like, but the double standards are there and are yours and yours alone. I reacted to both you and Fenixp's attacks on me. Look to the cause before you start throwing shite.
Giving up on EGO is a hard thing to do, I know. But still... Hickory, I hope you will eventually reach the 100% human status. ;)
Highlancer: Giving up on EGO is a hard thing to do, I know. But still... Hickory, I hope you will eventually reach the 100% human status. ;)
I am who I am. Deal with it.
Hickory: Deal with it.
No need. I also am who I am.