LameWarrior: I don't like this. "We have a hotfix, but for our convenience, we will hold on to it until another day or two". I can't see any reason this hotfix cannot be released today for PC as promised. They don't have to certify patches or pay to Microsoft and Sony for hosting them. If CDP would say "we have to work a little longer on this hotfix" I would understand, but not this :(
I know, first world problems. I did a bunch of missions already during the weekend, the whole velen and novigrad main quests, just 'cause I couldn't wait for the patch. Barely level 18 now, though feels like I should be at level 24 or 25 by now. I did notice I wasn't getting xp for some quests, even when I went on youtube to see if other players weren't getting xp also, some would get 400-500xp at the end for completing the same quests.
But not gonna go back, some of the quests just took too long to complete, no point in retracing an old save file.