Posted May 22, 2011
kyogen: No, no. Not to worry. Welcome, welcome. So what would you like to see from the quest to find Yennefer? I kind of like the OP's idea, but that's because it would give everyone--Triss, Geralt, Yennefer herself--more to do. Lots of intense narrative, multiple storylines, good stuff.
Yennefer & Geralt relationship was always intense and... well, to be honest, passive-aggresive and makin' mayhem in each one's life, and Triss was Geralt's close friend and lover several times, so choosing between both ladies is a hard yet interesting idea. Why? Yen's way older and more powerful even with amnesia, cheap narration tricks, as well as fussy and kinky (both definitions, really), arrogant and rather cold (Yen's damn cynic because she was a hunchback in chilldhood).
Triss was cheerful and lovely, always giggling or at least smiling, but lost some of these characteristics after Brenna. AND she's Geralt's lover in both TW games, as she always wanted.
That choice will be, like, epi... Nah, enormous. It will break the whole Canon, or twist it strangely. Hopin REDs will figure it out smoothly.