VoodooEconomist: The lips are probably animated for the Polish language version - here they are top notch I'd say!
As for branching that's really amazing how they improved on TW1. TW1 had lot's of Important Decisions that led to Key Points, but you basically arrived at them the same way. It was A to B, and then either C or D based on the choice at A.
Here I'm at the end of the Prologue and I ALREADY want to restart the game to play again! There are so many little decisions that change little things, but make the journey from A to B totally different, and it's hard to tell the Big Ones from Just Flavour!
I've always put pen-and-paper RPGs above cRPGs, but even I have to admit - the way the story is structured and told is unique and amazingly believable. And I repeat - all this from just a few hours of adventuring!
Sounds promising Voodoo. Good to hear. :) How stable has the game been if you don't mind me asking?