227: Random impressions after awhile in the new forum:
1.) I'm totally feeling like a stranger in a foreign land.
Farrrrrr awayyyyy from homeeeeee.
2.) Every now and then there's an SQL error that takes down the whole place. Too much traffic or something.
3.) I like the dark colors, but the yellow is a bit much. Given how dark the rest of the forum is, it's a bit distracting. Also, making the text a bit more grey instead of pure white might help improve the readability of posts.
4.) No rep? However am I to get away with saying completely irrelevant, borderline insane things? I kid, I kid, it's actually nice to be free from it, though the +/- thing on each post seems unnecessary. Are enough people going to rate individual posts for it to matter, or are there just going to be a bunch of posts that are +1/-1 for no real reason? Maybe it'll be more effective once more people show up.
All in all, though, it's pretty nice.
Marcin360: There will be more people discussing various things, once we spread the word. Also, we are still tweaking certain things so please bear with us.
Some more random observations from me:
- A time stamp for edits would be nice to have.
- The profile button is not obvious enough. At first I thought it might be part of the logout-button. It's a little bit of confusion that might easily be removed by adding a little 'profile'-text next to/underneath the Avatar in the top-right corner of the screen.
- No direct way from the profile management to the forums, you have to go by ->Community->Forum, not quite comfortable
- Links should be more obvious/distinct from text.
- You're wasting a bit much space by putting the avatar to the left of the user name instead of underneath it. I'd like a wider text area better. (it's working fine here on gog.com due to smaller avatar and text sizes - but in your forums it's eating up too much space)
- As 227 said, the reputation could be added to the user data next to the posts. As of now it can only be seen in the profiles.
- I'd like to see a 'topics you have participated in' category on the main page - like the one here. It's really useful.
Other than that, it left a very positive first impression on me. The choice of colors is excellent, the overall layout is nice to look at and I think will do fine from a usability-PoV after a while of getting to know it.