227: If you go to
http://www.en.thewitcher.com/forum/, it pops up asking for a password. Progress is good :)
Especially because I've been hitting F5 on that page every day for the past week. Seriously, anything but a 404 page is magical.
Galadh: Haha, I see. Nice 'find'! So until midnight, we will be chilling out like the bosses on official one, I reckon.
Damn, so much have been said about the game here on GOG forum that I just wonder - what are we going to argue about on the official one?
Witcher 2 being consolized - check
Witcher 2 not being a true RPG - check
Witcher 2 being consolized - check
Witcher 2 being buggy - check
Witcher 2 being consolized - check
CDPR betrayed us - check
It's all said and done.