bummlmitz: Absolutely not. Combat in TW 1 was like a small mingame with no challenge whatsoever. Simply click left mouse button when the icon is flashing to win. Fights, where you actually had to move were sparse, alchemy was nice to have but not required and I did not use any bombs in TW1. Combat in TW 2 is fine, if the get rid of this weird pause waiting for the animation to finish.
Coflash: If were going to talk about making the game hard, then in TW1 you'd have turned those options off so there were no visual aides.
Can I do that in TW2? I can turn off needing to do the same maneuvers the same ways every time? Can I turn off having to only use two swords for two enemy types and bring back 6?
It doesn't work for gamepads - that's it, too many buttons, too complex for simple minded people. They don't want complexity. They want to win as soon as they power up their machines.
I already said the first game wasn't hard, but it was definitely more complex. Try beating a single Wraith with the fast style combat using a steel sword, see how long it takes you if you get it wrong. Can I get that back into TW2? It ruins any continuity and as I already mentioned, depth.
Choices are beautiful when they are presented to you. When they are removed altogether in place of a single way to fight enemies throughout the entire game, it loses re-playability and it's boring.
It seems a lot of people are either not reading the thread or they aren't exactly acquainted with the finer points of combat and gameplay options available in both games. What can I say, stay informed?
cool, but i would like to expand.
instead of just making our character weaker for challenge, they could have brought in stronger monsters. or made a story element that explains why enemies are stronger or why he is weaker and why he doe snot use groupstyle anymore.
instead we come directly out of the first game, and the humans .... thats right HUMANS are able to kill a mutant (who is able to kill other witchers who know his weak points if you chose that option) without much trouble. they could have easily made humans weak and brought in stronger monsters and master fighters. lets face it the squirrels in the last game are only rebel fighters with little training, the flameing rose were not masters of fighting, mutants were not perfected yet and what you do face was weak overall
they must have had stronger things to not make garalt look weak against normal humans.
ancient46: If you look deep at the game you will find that the game pad has 22 commands but there are 38 commands for the game.
and what are the unbound commands then