geniusprime: I don't understand this modern PC gamer mentality. When did this sense of betterment spout its ugly head. At the end of the day we are all just gamers. So rid yourself of this sense of entitlement.
Funny that you mention its a console game guised as a PC game. It just reads so silly. A game is a game whether it be console or PC. PCs can support ANY game so this idea of a console game guised as a PC game is just silly. Ah well....
Don't change the argument to more PC vs console drivel. I have 6 consoles, the difference is, I like my console games to remain on console, the sole reason I was interested in The Witcher in the first place is that it was a PC RPG. I WANT a PC RPG, as do many other people, if you're really confused as to why people expected that at this point then perhaps you're in the wrong thread. There are plenty of others praising it, overlooking the differences simply because they have low standards.
Any sense of entitlement can be chalked up to the fact that I paid for the game and I was promised the experience would not be dumbed down, I was promised it was specifically targeted towards the PC with the control scheme aimed at a gamepad. That was fine. How often do you pay for things that you don't want, yet remain satisfied? Or in your mind does this somehow only apply to games?
Fact: it's simplified. Fact: it's dumbed down. Fact: it is more console centric than PC. Using the powers of deduction, see if you can see how CD Projekt have used the same formula many other devs have in order to put sales above making an interesting game - targeted at the platform they said it would be.
It's fine they would gloat about PC sales with the Witcher 1 right? Commenting on Dragon Age 1/2 as if they were not up to scratch, yet following many of their decisions with their own sequel in relation to streamlining combat and the inventory.
My argument is presented by what is in the game, all you're doing is playing semantics, defending something only because it appeals to you. Stop being butthurt and look at it objectively, because for once, that would be so refreshing just to see a single person do that. Or not. In that case you can look forward to TW3 getting in line with the rest of the dumbed down western RPG's. Yay.